- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 杜磊,蔡彩平,吴双,张峰,侯森,郭旺珍.Evaluation and Exploration of Favorable QTL Alleles for Salt Stress Related Traits in Cotton Cultivars (G-hirsutum L.),PLOS ONE,2016,11(3):-(参与作者)
- 牛二利,蔡彩平,郑永杰,尚小光,方磊,郭旺珍.Genome-wide analysis of CrRLK1L gene family in Gossypium and identification of candidate CrRLK1L genes related to fiber development,MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS,2016,291(3):1137-1154(参与作者)
- 郭秀华,蔡彩平,苑冬冬,张仁善,奚经龙,郭旺珍.Development and identification of Verticillium wilt-resistant upland cotton accessions by pyramiding QTL related to resistance,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2016,15(3):512-520(参与作者)
- 万群,关雪莹,杨楠楠,吴怀通,潘孟乔,刘炳亮,方磊,杨守平,胡艳,叶文雪,张华,马佩勇,陈杰丹,王琼,梅高甫,蔡彩平,杨东雷,王佳伟,郭旺珍,章文华,陈晓亚,张天真.Small interfering RNAs from bidirectional transcripts of GhMML3_A12 regulate cotton fiber development,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2016,210(4):1298-1310(参与作者)
- 朱国忠,张峰,杜磊,尚小光,程朝泽,杨冰,胡艳,蔡彩平,郭旺珍.Genetic regulation of salt stress tolerance revealed by RNA-Seq in cotton diploid wild species, Gossypium davidsonii,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 张雪颖,徐晓洋,于羽嘉,陈川,王敬,蔡彩平,郭旺珍.Integration analysis of MKK and MAPK family members highlights potential MAPK signaling modules in cotton,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 马丹,杨长青,胡艳,刘炳亮,方磊,万群,梁文化,梅高甫,王凌健,王海平,丁林云,董辰光,潘孟乔,陈杰丹,王森,陈书琪,蔡彩平,朱协飞,关雪莹,周宝良,祝水金,王佳伟,郭旺珍,陈晓亚,张天真.Genetic basis for glandular trichome formation in cotton,NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2016,7:-(参与作者)
- Mapping of genes for flower-related traits and QTLs for flowering time in an interspecific population of Gossypium hirsutum x G. darwinii,JOURNAL OF GENETICS,2016,95(1):197-201(参与作者)
- 牛二利,尚小光,程朝泽,包江浩,曾彦达,蔡彩平,杜雄明,郭旺珍.Comprehensive Analysis of the COBRA-Like (COBL) Gene Family in Gossypium Identifies Two COBLs Potentially Associated with Fiber Quality,PLOS ONE,2015,10(12):-(参与作者)
- 张锐,丁检,刘春晓,蔡彩平,周宝良,张天真,郭旺珍.Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Analysis of Eight COL Superfamily Genes in Group I Related to Photoperiodic Regulation of Flowering Time in Wild and Domesticated Cotton (Gossypium) Species,PLOS ONE,2015,10(2):-(参与作者)