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浙江大学 农业昆虫与害虫防治 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
山东农业大学植物保护学院 动植物检疫专业 University graduated Bachelor's degree
南京农业大学植物保护学院 教学科研
美国康奈尔大学昆虫学系 博士后研究
美国耶鲁大学公共卫生学院 博士后研究
陈磊,余心悦,郭丽雪,陈煜炜,邴孝利,胡琪琪,孙荆涛,洪晓月.真菌源水平转移的载脂蛋白D基因影响二斑叶螨的寿命与生殖,昆虫学报,2024,(2024年11期):2-13(Participating authors)
He Zi-Hao, Wang Ying-Xia, Jin Zhi, Niu Yue-Di, Song Congfeng, Hong Xiao-Yue, Bing Xiao-Li.Horizontal transmission of a rice bacterial pathogen Pantoea ananatis among plants by rice planthoppers.,PLANT DISEASE,2024,(Correspondence Author)
Gao Shuo,Niu Yue-Di,Chen Lei,Chen Meng-Fei,Bing Xiao-Li,Hong Xiao-Yue.Transcriptomic landscapes reveal development-related physiological processes in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae,EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY,2024,(Correspondence Author)
Liu Huan-Huan, Chen Lei, Shao Hui-Biao, Gao Shuo, Hong Xiao-Yue, Bing Xiao-Li.Environmental Factors and the Symbiont Cardinium Influence the Bacterial Microbiome of Spider Mites Across the Landscape,MICROBIAL ECOLOGY,2024,87(1):44927(Correspondence Author)
邴孝利,夏才贝,叶青瞳,龚雪,崔佳蓉,彭长武,洪晓月.Wolbachia manipulates reproduction of spider mites by influencing herbivore salivary proteins,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2023,79(1):315-323(First Author)
Bing Xiao-Li,Liang Zi-Jian,Tian Jia,Gong Xue,Huang Shao-Qiu,Chen Jie,Hong Xiao-Yue.The influence of Acetobacter pomorum bacteria on the developmental progression of Drosophila suzukii via gluconic acid secretion,MOLECULAR ECOLOGY,2023,:-(First Author)