- 所在单位:公共管理学院(含土地管理学院)
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Mengyuan Chen,Gideon Bolt,Pieter Hooimeijer.China"s community-based interventions for the elderly,Enschede NL:Ipskamp Printing,2024,
- Mengyuan Chen,Gideon Bolt,Pieter Hooimeijer.The impact of residential environment on older people’s capabilities to live independently: a survey in Beijing,BMC public health,2024,24(843)
- Mengyuan Chen,Pieter Hooimeijer.Understanding the Institutional Logics of China’s Community-Based Intervention for Older People,Journal of Aging & Social Policy,2024,:1-20
- Mengyuan Chen,Gideon Bolt,Lu Yu,Pieter Hooimeijer.the impact of residential environment on older people's aging in place intention,Habitat International,2023,140:102908