- 所在单位:人文与社会发展学院
- 学历:研究生教育
- 学位:博士学位
- Sun Hui,Liu Chunhui,Wei Jiaxing.Identifying Key Sites of Green Infrastructure to Support Ecological Restoration in the Urban Agglomeration,LAND,2021,10(11):1(参与作者)
- 陈友桃,刘春卉,陈骥,胡乃娟,朱利群.Evaluation on environmental consequences and sustainability of three rice-based rotation systems in Quanjiao, China by an integrated analysis of life cycle, emergy and economic assessment,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021,310:-(参与作者)
- 刘春卉,黎孔清.Mapping the field: a bibliometric analysis of land use and carbon emissions (LUCE) research from 1987 to 2018,LIBRARY HI TECH,2021,39(2):396-411(第一作者)
- Liu Chunhui,Zheng Huawei.How social capital affects willingness of farmers to accept low-carbon agricultural technology (LAT)? A case study of Jiangsu, China,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGIES AND MANAGEMENT,2021,13(3):286-301(第一作者)
- 刘春卉,谷跃,刘予,宋伟轩.城市影子教育机构的空间分异与教育资源领域化——以南京为例,经济地理,2021,41(2021年05期):155-164(第一作者)
- Life cycle environmental impact assessment of rice-crayfish integrated system: A case study,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2021,280:-(参与作者)
- 赵晨晓,刘春卉,魏家星.缓解城市热岛效应的南京市绿色基础设施网络构建方法,浙江农林大学学报,2021,38(2021年06期):1127-1135(参与作者)
- 刘春卉,胡乃娟,宋伟轩,陈倩,朱利群.Aquaculture Feeds Can Be Outlaws for Eutrophication When Hidden in Rice Fields? A Case Study in Qianjiang, China,International journal of environmentAL research and public health,2019,16(22):4471-4480(第一作者)
- 陈浩,马志飞,冯灿芳,刘春卉.新区城镇化与房地产耦合发展过程和机制以常州武进新城区为例,长江流域资源与环境,2019,28(8):1847-1859(通讯作者)
- 宋伟轩,涂唐奇,尹上岗,徐岩,刘春卉.南京义务教育资源的社会-空间可达性差异及效应研究,地理研究,2019,38(8):2008-2026(通讯作者)