- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- Effects of different water management options and fertilizer supply on photosynthesis, fluorescence parameters and water use efficiency of Prunella vulgaris seedlings,BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH,2016,49:-(参与作者)
- 缪媛媛,朱再标,郭巧生,杨小花,刘丽,孙媛,王长林.Dynamic changes in carbohydrate metabolism and endogenous hormones during Tulipa edulis stolon development into a new bulb,JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY,2016,59(2):121-132(参与作者)
- 缪媛媛,郭巧生,朱再标,杨小花,王长林,孙媛,刘丽.Dynamic Changes in Starch Metabolism and Endogenous Hormones during Stolon Formation in Tulipa edulis,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE,2016,141(3):211-221(通讯作者)
- 于曼曼,陈宇航,朱再标,刘丽,张利霞,郭巧生.Effect of phosphorus supply on plant productivity, photosynthetic efficiency and bioactive-component production in Prunella vulgaris L. under hydroponic condition,JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION,2016,39(12):1672-1680(参与作者)
- 曹亚悦,朱再标,郭巧生,刘丽,王长林.药用牡丹种子质量分级标准研究,中国中药杂志,2015,40(4):624-628(参与作者)
- The growth and medicinal quality of Epimedium wushanense are improved by an isolate of dark septate fungus,PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY,2015,53(9):1344-1351(第一作者)
- 张利霞,郭巧生,常青山,朱再标,刘丽,陈宇航.Chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites in Glechoma longituba in response to irradiance,PHOTOSYNTHETICA,2015,53(1):144-153(参与作者)
- 缪媛媛,朱再标,郭巧生,朱丽芳,马宏亮.Alternate wetting and drying irrigation-mediated changes in the growth, photosynthesis and yield of the medicinal plant Tulipa edulis,INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2015,66:81-88(参与作者)
- 杨小花,郭巧生,朱再标,陈军,缪媛媛,杨颖,孙媛.不同干燥方法对光慈姑加工性能和品质影响研究,中国中药杂志,2015,40(20):3974-3980(通讯作者)
- 杨颖,朱再标,郭巧生,缪媛媛,马宏亮,杨小花.冷藏对老鸦瓣鳞茎休眠解除及栽后生长情况的影响,中国中药杂志,2015,40(1):48-52(参与作者)