- 所在单位:草业学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 庄黎丽,杨志民,范宁丽,于景金,黄炳茹.Metabolomic changes associated with elevated CO2-regulation of salt tolerance in Kentucky bluegrass,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2019,165:129-138(第一作者)
- 庄黎丽,戈滢,王剑,于景金,杨志民,黄炳茹.Gibberellic acid inhibition of tillering in tall fescue involving crosstalks with cytokinins and transcriptional regulation of genes controlling axillary bud outgrowth,PLANT SCIENCE,2019,287:-(第一作者)
- 王剑,庄黎丽,张敬,于景金,杨志民,黄炳茹.Identification and characterization of novel homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-Zip) transcription factors associated with heat tolerance in perennial ryegrass,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2019,160:1-11(通讯作者)
- 刘天增,庄黎丽,黄炳茹.Metabolic adjustment and gene expression for root sodium transport and calcium signaling contribute to salt tolerance in Agrostis grass species,PLANT AND SOIL,2019,443(43467):219-232(参与作者)
- 庄黎丽,王剑,杨志民.基于转录组数据库的高羊茅HD-Zip I转录因子的鉴定及表达模式解析,草业学报,2018,27(3):67-77(第一作者)
- 徐倩,范宁丽,庄黎丽,于景金,Bingru Huang.Enhanced stolon growth and metabolic adjustment in creeping bentgrass with elevated CO2 concentration,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2018,155:87-97(参与作者)
- 曹薇,杨志民,庄黎丽,王剑,孙岩.高羊茅FaHsfC1b启动子克隆及外源激素处理下FaHsfC1b的表达分析,江苏农业科学,2018,46(03):-(参与作者)
- 庄黎丽,曹薇,王剑,于景金,杨志民,黄炳茹.Characterization and Functional Analysis of FaHsfC1b from Festuca arundinacea Conferring Heat Tolerance in Arabidopsis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018,19(9):-(第一作者)
- 庄黎丽,王剑,黄炳茹.Drought inhibition of tillering in Festuca arundinacea associated with axillary bud development and strigolactone signaling,ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2017,142:15-23(第一及通讯作者)
- 王秀云,庄黎丽,shiyi,黄炳茹.Up-Regulation of HSFA2c and HSPs by ABA Contributing to Improved Heat Tolerance in Tall Fescue and Arabidopsis,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2017,18(9):-(参与作者)