- 所在单位:食品科技学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 赵迪,李浩,黄明萱,Wang Taolin,Hu Yue,Wang Liping,Xu Dening,毛胜勇,李春保,周光宏.Influence of proteolytic enzyme treatment on the changes in volatile compounds and odors of beef longissimus dorsi,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,333:-(参与作者)
- 张玉梅,董铭,邓绍林,韩敏义,徐幸莲,周光宏.菊粉对低脂乳化肠质构及风味品质的影响,核农学报,2020,34(12):2769-2779(参与作者)
- 时洁,粘颖群,笪丹丹,徐幸莲,周光宏,赵迪,李春保.Characterization of flavor volatile compounds in sauce spareribs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and electronic nose,LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2020,124:-(参与作者)
- Application of sensory evaluation, GC-ToF-MS, and E-nose to discriminate the flavor differences among five distinct parts of the Chinese blanched chicken,FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2020,137:-(参与作者)
- 李茜,赵迪,刘辉,张淼,姜帅,徐幸莲,周光宏,李春保.Rigid structure is a key determinant for the low digestibility of myoglobin,FOOD CHEMISTRY-X,2020,7:-(参与作者)
- 许玉娟,赵玉琪,魏芷茜,张豪,董铭,黄明远,韩敏义,徐幸莲,周光宏.Modification of myofibrillar protein via glycation: Physicochemical characterization, rheological behavior and solubility property,Food Hydrocolloids,2020,105(10582):0-0(参与作者)
- 李富阳,冯希,张丹妮,李春保,徐幸莲,周光宏,刘源.Physical properties, compositions and volatile profiles of Chinese dry-cured hams from different regions,JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION,2020,14(1):492-504(参与作者)
- 胡海静,贾坤,王虎虎,徐幸莲,周光宏,何淑雯.Novel sRNA and regulatory genes repressing the adhesion of Salmonella enteritidis exposed to meat-related environment,FOOD CONTROL,2020,110(0):-(参与作者)
- 王莹莹,刘瑞,侯芹,田筱娜,范晓全,张万刚,周光宏.Comparison of activity, expression and S-nitrosylation of glycolytic enzymes between pale, soft and exudative and red, firm and non-exudative pork during post-mortem aging,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,314:-(参与作者)
- 张淼,赵迪,周光宏,李春保.Dietary Pattern, Gut Microbiota, and Alzheimer's Disease,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2020,68(46):12800-12809(参与作者)