- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Cai Jian,Zang Fujuan,Xin Liang,Zhou Qin,Wang Xiao,Zhong Yingxin,Huang Mei,Dai Tingbo,Jiang Dong.Effects of Cysteine and Inorganic Sulfur Applications at Different Growth Stages on Grain Protein and End-Use Quality in Wheat,FOODS,2022,11(20)(参与作者)
- 姜东,仲迎鑫,蔡剑,周琴,王笑,戴廷波,曹卫星.小麦籽粒品质空间分布异质性及其形成机制研究进展,南京农业大学学报,2021,44(2021年06期):1013-1023(参与作者)
- Li jingjing,Jiao guiai,Sun yongwei,Chen jun,仲迎鑫,Yan lei,姜东,Ma youzhi,Xia lanqin.Modification of starch composition, structure and properties through editing of TaSBEIIa in both winter and spring wheat varieties by CRISPR/Cas9,PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL,2021,19(5):937-951(参与作者)
- 夏树凤,江广帅,赵鸿,方乾,胡诗琪,王凡,蔡剑,王笑,周琴,仲迎鑫,姜东.基于Meta分析和气象因子驱动的苏豫皖小麦籽粒蛋白质含量地理空间分布特征,麦类作物学报,2021,41(2021年08期):1033-1043(通讯作者)
- 郑宝强,方乾,张晨旭,HEMAT MAHMOOD,周琴,李文阳,李向楠,蔡剑,王笑,仲迎鑫,黄梅,曹卫星,戴廷波,姜东.Reducing nitrogen rate and increasing plant density benefit processing quality by modifying the spatial distribution of protein bodies and gluten proteins in endosperm of a soft wheat cultivar,FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2020,253:-(参与作者)
- Changes in spatiotemporal protein and amino acid gradients in wheat caryopsis after N-topdressing,PLANT SCIENCE,2020,291:-(第一作者)
- 仲迎鑫,Domenico Sagnelli,Henrik Bak Topbjerg,Harald Hasler-Sheetal,Olga Andrzejzcak,Kourosh Hooshmand,Rene Gislum,姜东,Ian Max M?ller,Andreas Blennow,Kim Henrik Hebelstrup.Expression of starch-binding factor CBM20 in barley plastids controls the number of starch granules and the level of CO2 fixation,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2020,71(1):234-246(第一作者)
- 仲迎鑫,王维领,黄鑫,刘明明,Kim Henrik Hebelstrup,杨东雷,蔡剑,王笑,周琴,曹卫星,戴廷波,姜东.Nitrogen topdressing timing modifies the gluten quality and grain hardness related protein levels as revealed by iTRAQ,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,277:135-144(第一作者)
- 仲迎鑫,Andreas Blennow,Olivia Kofoed-Enevoldsen,姜东,Kim Henrik ebelstrup.Protein Targeting to Starch 1 is essential for starchy endosperm development in barley,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2019,70(2):485-496(第一作者)
- 仲迎鑫,Dachao Xu,Kim Henrik Hebelstrup,杨东雷,蔡剑,王笑,周琴,曹卫星,戴廷波,姜东.Nitrogen topdressing timing modifies free amino acids profiles and storage protein gene expression in wheat grain,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2018,18:-(第一作者)