- 所在单位:资产经营公司
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 郑聚锋,韩继明,刘志伟,夏文斌,张旭辉,李恋卿,刘晓雨,卞荣军,程琨,郑金伟,潘根兴.Biochar compound fertilizer increases nitrogen productivity and economic benefits but decreases carbon emission of maize production,AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT,2017,241:70-78(参与作者)
- 周惠民,张登晓,王盼,刘晓雨,程琨,李恋卿,郑金伟,张旭辉,郑聚锋,Crowley David,van Zwieten LUkas,潘根兴.Changes in microbial biomass and the metabolic quotient with biochar addition to agricultural soils: A Meta-analysis,AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT,2017,239(0):80-89(参与作者)
- Methanogenic abundance and changes in community structure along a rice soil chronosequence from east China,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE,2016,67(4):443-455(参与作者)
- Changes in organic carbon and nitrogen in soil with metal pollution by Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn: a meta-analysis,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE,2016,67(2):237-246(参与作者)
- 刘贝,向增旭,郑金伟,李恋卿,潘根兴.生物炭浸提液对茅苍术应用效果研究,中药材,2016,39(8):1703-1705(通讯作者)
- 刘远,刘永卓,周惠民,李恋卿,郑金伟,张旭辉,郑聚锋,潘根兴.Abundance, composition and activity of denitrifier communities in metal polluted paddy soils,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(参与作者)
- 王建青,张旭辉,李恋卿,程琨,郑聚锋,郑金伟,沈明星,刘晓雨,潘根兴.Changes in micronutrient availability and plant uptake under simulated climate change in winter wheat field,JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS,2016,16(12):2666-2675(参与作者)
- 周加顺,郑金伟,池忠志,刘晓雨,潘根兴,郑聚锋,李恋卿,张旭辉,程琨.施用生物质炭对作物产量和氮、磷、钾养分吸收的影响,南京农业大学学报,2016,39(5):791-799(参与作者)
- 卞荣军,李恋卿,包丹丹,郑金伟,张旭辉,郑聚锋,刘晓雨,程琨,潘根兴.Cd immobilization in a contaminated rice paddy by inorganic stabilizers of calcium hydroxide and silicon slag and by organic stabilizer of biochar,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2016,23(10):10028-10036(参与作者)
- 郑聚锋,陈俊辉,潘根兴,刘晓雨,张旭辉,李恋卿,卞荣军,程琨,郑金伟.Biochar decreased microbial metabolic quotient and shifted community composition four years after a single incorporation in a slightly acid rice paddy from southwest China,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2016,571:206-217(参与作者)