基本信息 / Basic Information
- 所在单位:农学院
- 教师英文名称: Ruiqi Zhang
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 农学博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- 张瑞奇,冯祎高,侯富,陈树林,别同德,陈佩度.普通小麦-簇毛麦T5VS·5DL易位染色体对小麦主要农艺性状、品质和白粉病抗性的遗传效应分析,中国农业科学,2015,48(6):1041-1051(第一及通讯作者)
- 张瑞奇,侯富,冯祎高,张伟,张明懿,陈佩度.Characterization of a Triticum aestivum-Dasypyrum villosum T2VS.2DL translocation line expressing a longer spike and more kernels traits,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS,2015,128(12):2415-2425(第一及通讯作者)
- 陈树林,高润红,王海燕,温明星,肖进,卞能飞,张瑞奇,胡文静,程顺和,别同德,王秀娥.Characterization of a novel reduced height gene (Rht23) regulating panicle morphology and plant architecture in bread wheat,EUPHYTICA,2015,203(3):583-594(参与作者)
- 方宇辉,袁静娅,王掌军,王海燕,肖进,yangzhixi,张瑞奇,亓增军,Xu Weigang,Hu Lin,王秀娥.Development of T-aestivum L.-H-californicum Alien Chromosome Lines and Assignment of Homoeologous Groups of Hordeum californicum Chromosomes,JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND GENOMICS,2014,41(8):439-447(参与作者)
- 张瑞奇,张明懿,王秀娥,陈佩度.Introduction of chromosome segment carrying the seed storage protein genes from chromosome 1V of Dasypyrum villosum showed positive effect on bread-making quality of common wheat,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS,2014,127(3):523-533(第一作者)
- 张伟,张瑞奇,冯祎高,别同德,陈佩度.Distribution of highly repeated DNA sequences in Haynaldia villosa and its application in the identification of alien chromatin,CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,2013,58(8):890-897(参与作者)
- 张瑞奇,王秀娥,陈佩度.圆锥小麦四排穗性状基因的遗传及分子标记分析,作物学报,2013,39(1):29-33(第一作者)
- 赵仁慧,王海燕,肖进,别同德,程顺河,贾琪,袁春霞,张瑞奇,曹爱忠,陈佩度,王秀娥.Induction of 4VS chromosome recombinants using the CS ph1b mutant and mapping of the wheat yellow mosaic virus resistance gene from Haynaldia villosa,THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS,2013,126(12):2921-2930(参与作者)
- 张佳佳,袁虹霞,张瑞奇,刑小萍,代君丽,牛吉山,李洪连,陈佩度.普通小麦-簇毛麦种质对菲利普孢囊线虫的抗性分析,作物学报,2012,38(11):1969-1976(参与作者)
- 张瑞奇,王秀娥,陈佩度.Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of a small alien-segment translocation line carrying the softness genes of Haynaldia villosa,Genome,2012,55(2012):639-646(第一作者)