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南京农业大学 植物营养 The graduate student is educated Doctoral degree
南京农业大学 微生物学 The graduate student is educated Master's degree
南京农业大学 生物科学 UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Bachelor's degree
南京农业大学 博士后
李心芃,宋瑞轲,高琦,沈标,张建.哈茨木霉菌活性物质Harzianic Acid的异源合成及其抑菌机制研究,南京农业大学学报,2024,(Correspondence Author)
Meng, Zhen; Xiang, Shuangshuang; Wang, Xue; Zhang, Jian; Bai, Guoxin; Liu, Hongjun; Li, Rong; Shen, Qirong.Turning Waste into Wealth: Utilizing Trichoderma's Solid-State Fermentation to Recycle Tea Residue for Tea Cutting Production,AGRONOMY-BASEL,2024,14(3):-(Participating authors)
Meng Zhen,Xiang Shuangshuang,Wang Xue,Zhang Jian,Bai Guoxin,Liu Hongjun,Li Rong,Shen Qirong.Turning Waste into Wealth: Utilizing Trichoderma's Solid-State Fermentation to Recycle Tea Residue for Tea Cutting Production,AGRONOMY-BASEL,2024,14(3)(Participating authors)
Sun Tingting,Li Yifan,Li Jie,Gao Jia,Zhang Jian,Fischer Reinhard,Shen Qirong,Yu Zhenzhong.Red and far-red light improve the antagonistic ability of Trichoderma guizhouense against phytopathogenic fungi by promoting phytochrome-dependent aerial hyphal growth,PLOS GENETICS,2024,20(5):-(Participating authors)
Li, Yifan; Li, Yanshen; Lu, Huanhong; Sun, Tingting; Gao, Jia; Zhang, Jian; Shen, Qirong; Yu, Zhenzhong.The bZIP transcription factor ATF1 regulates blue light and oxidative stress responses in Trichoderma guizhouense,mLife,2023,2(4):365-365(Participating authors)
【Patent】沈其荣,张杨(学),李荣,蔡枫,庞冠(学),张建,两步基因组比较法设计贵州木霉NJAU 4742定量PCR特异性引物的方法,201810768488.0,2019