- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Yun Yang,Ji Shuli,Yu Ge,Jia Peilu,Niu Yu,Zhang Hao,Zhang Xin,Wang Tian,Zhang Lili.Effects of Bacillus subtilis on jejunal integrity, redox status, and microbial composition of intrauterine growth restriction suckling piglets,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2021,99(10)(参与作者)
- 贾沛璐,张昊,陈亚楠,季书立,王恬.白皮杉醇对氧化应激断奶仔猪空肠抗氧化能力、黏膜形态和屏障功能的影响,畜牧兽医学报,2021,52(6):1616-1624(参与作者)
- 张昊,陈亚楠,陈跃平,季书立,贾沛璐,徐建雄,李悦,王恬.Pterostilbene attenuates liver injury and oxidative stress in intrauterine growth - retarded weanling piglets,NUTRITION,2021,81:-(第一作者)
- 陈亚楠,张昊,陈跃平,贾沛璐,季书立,张玉莹,王恬.Resveratrol and its derivative pterostilbene ameliorate intestine injury in intrauterine growth-retarded weanling piglets by modulating redox status and gut microbiota,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2021,12(1):-(参与作者)
- 张昊,陈亚楠,李悦,王恬.Protective Effect of Polydatin on Jejunal Mucosal Integrity, Redox Status, Inflammatory Response, and Mitochondrial Function in Intrauterine Growth-Retarded Weanling Piglets,OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY,2020,2020:-(第一作者)
- 张昊,陈亚楠,陈跃平,季书立,贾沛璐,李悦,王恬.Comparison of the protective effects of resveratrol and pterostilbene against intestinal damage and redox imbalance in weanling piglets,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,2020,11(1):-(第一作者)
- 李思勉,程康,闫恩法,齐丽娜,张昊,王恬.虎杖苷对热应激大鼠空肠消化吸收、抗氧化和屏障功能的影响,中国兽医科学,2020,50(1):118-127(参与作者)
- 陈亚楠,陈跃平,张昊,王恬.Pterostilbene as a protective antioxidant attenuates diquat-induced liver injury and oxidative stress in 21-day-old broiler chickens,POULTRY SCIENCE,2020,99(6):3158-3167(参与作者)
- 张昊,陈亚楠,陈跃平,贾沛璐,季书立,徐建雄,李悦,王恬.Comparison of the effects of resveratrol and its derivative pterostilbene on hepatic oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in piglets challenged with diquat,FOOD & FUNCTION,2020,11(5):4202-4215(第一作者)
- 张昊,陈亚楠,李悦,贾沛璐,季书立,陈跃平,王恬.Protective effects of pterostilbene against hepatic damage, redox imbalance, mitochondrial dysfunction, and endoplasmic reticulum stress in weanling piglets,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2020,98(10):-(第一作者)