- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 吕善武,张昌伟,唐君,李彦肖,王镇,蒋大华,侯喜林.Genome-wide analysis and identification of TIR-NBS-LRR genes in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp pekinensis) reveal expression patterns to TuMV infection,PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2015,90:89-97(第一作者)
- 彭海涛,李彦肖,张昌伟,李英,侯喜林.Chloroplast elongation factor BcEF-Tu responds to turnip mosaic virus infection and heat stress in non-heading Chinese cabbage,BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2014,58(3):561-566(参与作者)
- 张昌伟,李彦肖,宋小明,吕善武,侯喜林.Using an Arabidopsis oligonucleotide microarray to analyze the secretory pathway genes' Response to TuMV infection in Brassica rapa,PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2014,88:85-93(第一作者)
- 刘同坤,李英,张昌伟,段伟科,黄菲艺,侯喜林.Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor BcbHLHpol functions as a positive regulator of pollen development in non-heading Chinese cabbage,FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS,2014,14(4):731-739(参与作者)
- 杨玉霞,王静静,马志虎,孙国胜,张昌伟.De novo sequencing and comparative transcriptome analysis of white petals and red labella in Phalaenopsis for discovery of genes related to flower color and floral differentation,ACTA SOCIETATIS BOTANICORUM POLONIAE,2014,83(3):191-199(通讯作者)
- 张昌伟,刘同坤,齐莉,孙菲菲,侯喜林.Cloning and expression analysis of a CMS-related gene BcCoi1 from Brassica campestris ssp chinensis,RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2013,60(1):124-130(第一作者)
- 彭海涛,李树燕,王立,李英,李彦肖,张昌伟,侯喜林.Turnip mosaic virus induces expression of the LRR II subfamily genes and regulates the salicylic acid signaling pathway in non-heading Chinese cabbage,PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2013,82:64-72(参与作者)
- 张昌伟,王静静,言燕华,韦武青,马志虎,侯喜林.建兰花叶病毒南京分离物基因组测定与侵染性克隆构建,南京农业大学学报,2013,36(4):13-17(第一作者)
- 蝴蝶兰全长cDNA文库构建及F3′H基因克隆,西北植物学报,2013,33(9):1731-1738(通讯作者)
- 杨玉霞,言燕华,韦武青,马志虎,李倩中,李淑顺,张昌伟.建兰花叶病毒和齿兰环斑病毒RdRp基因hpRNAi表达载体的构建,江苏农业学报,2013,29(1):76-80(通讯作者)