- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 不同时期喷施APK-9对大豆受酸雨胁迫的缓解效应,大豆科学,2017,36(2):280-286(通讯作者)
- 大豆Abhydrolase_3基因家族进化分析,大豆科学,2017,36(6):842-850(参与作者)
- 阚贵珍,张威,李亚凯,喻德跃.野生大豆芽期耐盐性状的关联分析,大豆科学,2017,36(5):737-745(通讯作者)
- 肖松华,Xu J,Zhao J,LIUJ,WU Q,YU J,喻德跃.Genomic, evolutionary and expression profile analysis of Hsp70 superfamily in A and D genome of cotton (Gossypium spp.) under the challenge of Verticillium dahliae,JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY,2017,60(1):11-25(通讯作者)
- 孔星,张璟曜,喻德跃,盖钧镒,杨守萍.Cloning and functional analysis of two GmDeg genes in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.],JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY,2017,60(1):48-56(参与作者)
- 车志军,刘海伦,衣芳蕾,程浩,杨宇明,王莉,杜静怡,张培培,王娇,喻德跃.Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Loci for SC7 Resistance in a Soybean Mutant Panel,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2017,8:-(通讯作者)
- 武剑,杨艳芳,王慧,朱凯,刘黎卿,陈发棣,喻德跃.菊花DmDREBa/b基因提高转基因烟草耐逆性研究,分子植物育种,2016,14(11):3063-3072(参与作者)
- 刘海伦,车志军,曾旋睿,张国正,王慧,喻德跃.Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in soybean associated with resistance to common cutworm (Spodoptera litura Fabricius),EUPHYTICA,2016,209(1):49-62(共同通讯作者)
- 杜弘杨,曾旋睿,赵梦,崔晓培,王晴,杨慧,程浩,喻德跃.Efficient targeted mutagenesis in soybean by TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9,JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY,2016,217:90-97(通讯作者)
- 丁一琼,周小琼,左丽,王慧,喻德跃.Identification and functional characterization of the sulfate transporter gene GmSULTR1;2b in soybean,BMC GENOMICS,2016,17:373-(共同通讯作者)