- 武淑文,左恺然,康照奎,杨亦桦,Oakeshott, John G ,吴益东.A point mutation in the acetylcholinesterase-1 gene is associated with chlorpyrifos resistance in the plant bug Apolygus lucorum,INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2015,65:75-82(参与作者)
- 韩阳春,于婉婷,张纬庆,杨亦桦,Walsh, Tom,Oakeshott, John G,吴益东.Variation in P450-mediated fenvalerate resistance levels is not correlated with CYP337B3 genotype in Chinese populations of Helicoverpa armigera,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2015,121(0):129-135(参与作者)
- 刘佳,李甜甜,黄家美,康照奎,杨亦桦,吴益东,武淑文.黄河流域和长江流域棉区绿盲蝽对高效氯氰菊酯和毒死蜱的抗性监测,应用昆虫学报,2015,52(3):616-622(参与作者)
- 金琳,张浩男,陆宴辉,杨亦桦,吴孔明,Bruce E Tabashnik,吴益东.Large-scale test of the natural refuge strategy for delaying insect resistance to transgenic Bt crops,Nature Biotechnology,2015,33(2):169-174(参与作者)
- 张浩男,杜冰,杨亦桦,Higginson,Carriere,吴益东.Cadherin mutation linked to resistance to Cry1Ac affects male paternity and sperm competition in Helicoverpa armigera,JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY,2014,:-(通讯作者)
- 张浩男,唐铭一,杨帆,杨亦桦,吴益东.DNA-based screening for an intracellular cadherin mutation conferring non-recessive Cry1Ac resistance in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2013,107(1):148-152(参与作者)
- 杨亦桦,李亚鹏,吴益东.Current Status of Insecticide Resistance in Helicoverpa armigera After 15 Years of Bt Cotton Planting in China,JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY,2013,106(1):375-381(第一作者)
- 王兴亮,khakame Shem K ,叶超,杨亦桦,吴益东.Characterisation of field-evolved resistance to chlorantraniliprole in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, from China,PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2013,69(5):661-665(参与作者)
- 车午男,侍甜,吴益东,杨亦桦.Insecticide Resistance Status of Field Populations of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) From China,JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY,2013,106(4):1855-1862(通讯作者)
- 金琳,魏亦云,张蕾,杨亦桦,Tabashnik Bruce,吴益东.Dominant resistance to Bt cotton and minor cross-resistance to Bt toxin Cry2Ab in cotton bollworm from China,EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS,2013,6(8):1222-1235(参与作者)