- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- Exogenously applied poly-gamma-glutamic acid alleviates salt stress in wheat seedlings by modulating ion balance and the antioxidant system,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2017,24(7):6592-6598(参与作者)
- 钱猛,杨娜,陈军,沈振国.微生物学类研究生创新技能培养体系的探索--以南京农业大学为例,微生物学通报,2016,43(4):839-844(参与作者)
- 钱猛,崔瑾,成丹,杨娜,何琳燕,何健,沈振国.南京农业大学微生物学虚拟仿真实验教学模式的探索,微生物学通报,2016,43(4):861-866(参与作者)
- 朱昌华,杨娜,郭政飞,钱猛,甘立军.An ethylene and ROS-dependent pathway is involved in low ammonium-induced root hair elongation in Arabidopsis seedlings,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2016,105:37-44(参与作者)
- 马晓玲,朱昌华,杨娜,甘立军,夏凯.gamma-Aminobutyric acid addition alleviates ammonium toxicity by limiting ammonium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa) seedlings,PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2016,158(4):389-401(参与作者)
- 尹晓明,权灵通,杨娜,郑春芳,石峰,王长海,郑青松.Comparison of the distribution of mineral nutrients and active substances in dehydration- and salinity-stressed Aloe vera L.,JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION,2016,39(13):1840-1851(参与作者)
- 朱昌华,杨娜,马晓玲,李桂俊,钱猛,Ng Denny,夏凯,甘立军.Plasma membrane H+-ATPase is involved in methyl jasmonate-induced root hair formation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seedlings,PLANT CELL REPORTS,2015,34(6):1025-1036(参与作者)
- 史高玲,朱顺,孟继荣,钱猛,杨娜,娄来清,蔡庆生.Variation in arsenic accumulation and translocation among wheat cultivars: The relationship between arsenic accumulation, efflux by wheat roots and arsenate tolerance of wheat seedlings,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2015,289:190-196(参与作者)
- 甘立军,伍宏,吴大鹏,张占芳,郭政飞,杨娜,夏凯,周燮,Oh Keimei,Matsuoka, Makoto,Ng, Denny,朱昌华.Methyl jasmonate inhibits lamina joint inclination by repressing brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling in rice,PLANT SCIENCE,2015,241:238-245(参与作者)
- 姜超强,权灵通,石峰,杨娜,王长海,尹晓明,郑青松.Distribution of Mineral Nutrients and Active Ingredients in Aloe vera Irrigated with Diluted Seawater,Pedosphere,2014,24(6):722-730(参与作者)