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南京大学 信息管理工程 University graduated
南京农业大学工学院管理工程系 教学
傅雷鸣,杨建明,张义东,陈一飞.在线学习者持续学习行为与动机模型研究,继续教育研究,2023,(2023年06期):52-57(Participating authors)
Fu Leiming, Li Junlong, Yang Jianming, Liu Yutao, He Chunxia, Chen Yifei.Purification process and reduction of heavy metals from industrial wastewater via synthesized nanoparticle for water supply in swimming/water sport,ADVANCES IN NANO RESEARCH,2023,15(5):441-449(Participating authors)
李静,徐峰,杨建明.Improved economic and environmental outcomes from targeted fertilizer policy,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,2021,:-(Participating authors)
张兆同,崔天宇,李骅,杨建明.论我国农机化发展应处理好的十个方面关系,农业经济,2017,第七期(7):3-5(Participating authors)
杨建明,;刘芳.基于数据挖掘的高校图书馆服务优化研究,情报探索,2014,1(4):25-32(First and corresponding author)
金德智,杨建明.the nature of science and the limitations of science on narrow sense,2013 the 3rd international conference on Frontiers of Manufacuturing Science and Measuring Technology,2013,:2256-2261(Participating authors)