- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 博士学位
- 陈虹宇,钱新,陈小姣,杨同庆,冯明峰,陈静,陈锐祥,洪浩,郑颖,梅玉振,沈丹宇,徐毅,朱敏,丁新顺,陶小荣.Cytoplasmic and nuclear Sw-5b NLR act both independently and synergistically to confer full host defense against tospovirus infection,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2021,231(6):2262-2281(参与作者)
- Xu Yi,Fu Shuai,Tao Xiaorong,Zhou Xueping.Rice stripe virus: Exploring Molecular Weapons in the Arsenal of a Negative-Sense RNA Virus,ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY, VOL 59, 2021,2021,59:351-371(第一及共同通讯)
- Tan Song-Tao,Liu Fang,Lv Jing,Liu Qin-Li,Luo Heng-Ming,Xu Yi,Ma Yan,Chen Xiao-Jiao,Lan Ping-Xiu,Chen Hai-Ru,Cao Meng-Ji,Li Fan.Identification of two novel poleroviruses and the occurrence of Tobacco bushy top disease causal agents in natural plants,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2021,11(1)(参与作者)
- 李慧峰,赵强,Stewart Gray,徐毅.Viral Small RNA-Based Screening of Malus spp. Reveals Citrus Leaf Blotch Virus Infection of Kaido Crab Apple in China,PLANT DISEASE,2020,104(12):-(通讯作者)
- Transmission modes affect the population structure of potato virus Y in potato,PLOS PATHOGENS,2020,16(6):-(参与作者)
- 徐毅,Stewart Gray.Aphids and their transmitted potato viruses: A continuous challenges in potato crops,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2020,19(2):367-375(第一及通讯作者)
- Dynamic Transcriptional Profiles of Arabidopsis thaliana Infected by Tomato spotted wilt virus,PHYTOPATHOLOGY,2020,110(1):153-163(通讯作者)