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南京航空航天大学机电学院博士毕业 航空航天制造 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral degree
人工智能学院 计算机与信息击实试验教学示范中心 副主任(相当科级)
计算农业与系统集成、计算机视觉与植物表型分析、机器学习与农业大数 据技术、农产品品控与可追溯技术
Yuan Peisen,Xia Ye,Tian Yongchao,Xu Huanliang.TRiP: a transfer learning based rice disease phenotype recognition platform using SENet and microservices,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2024,14(Participating authors)
袁培森,丁毅飞,徐焕良.基于深度主动学习与CBAM的细粒度菊花表型识别,农业机械学报,2024,(Participating authors)
Xie Xiaojun,Xia Fei,Wu Yufeng,Liu Shouyang,Yan Ke,Xu Huanliang,Ji Zhiwei.A Novel Feature Selection Strategy Based on Salp Swarm Algorithm for Plant Disease Detection,PLANT PHENOMICS,2023,2023(Participating authors)
Zhao Qingsong,Liu Ximeng,Xu Huanliang,Li Yanbin.Practical reusable garbled circuits with parallel updates,COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES,2023,86(Participating authors)
Wu Xuehui,Luo Zhiwei,Xu Huanliang.Recognition of pear leaf disease under complex background based on DBPNet and modified mobilenetV2,IET IMAGE PROCESSING,2023,17(10):3055-3067(Correspondence Author)
Yuan Peisen, Xu Shuning, Zhai Zhaoyu, Xu Huanliang.Phenotype Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Based on Optimized Multi-Task Learning,MATHEMATICS,2023,11(18):-(Participating authors)