- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:大学本科毕业
- 学位:农业推广硕士专业学位
- 于佳,沈丹宇,戴婷婷,逯欣宇,徐衡,窦道龙.Rapid and equipment-free detection of Phytophthora capsici using lateral flow strip-based recombinase polymerase amplification assay,LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY,2019,69(1):64-70(参与作者)
- 马慧斐,沈丹宇,吴育人,徐衡,窦道龙.RNA-seq for comparative transcript profiling of Phytophthora capsici during its interaction with Arabidopsis thaliana,PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY,2018,102:193-199(参与作者)
- 桑程巍,任维超,王佳杰,徐衡,张智慧,周明国,陈长军,王凯.Detection and fitness comparison of target-based highly fludioxonil-resistant isolates of Botrytis cinerea from strawberry and cucumber in China,PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY,2018,147:110-118(参与作者)
- 胡逸群,张丽媛,王煊,孙凤丽,孔祥新,董汉松,徐衡.Two virulent sRNAs identified by genomic sequencing target the type III secretion system in rice bacterial blight pathogen,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2018,18:-(通讯作者)
- 翟燕,李萍,梅宇,陈铭业,陈晓晨,徐衡,周璇,董汉松,张春玲,姜卫华.Three MYB genes co-regulate the phloem-based defence against English grain aphid in wheat,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2017,68(15):4153-4169(参与作者)
- 沈丹宇,李庆玲,于佳,赵媛媛,朱也,徐衡,窦道龙.Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the rapid detection of Pythium ultimum,AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY,2017,46(6):571-576(参与作者)
- 徐衡,赵丽娜,黄骋望.中国古田山裸长角(虫兆)属一无眼新种(弹尾纲:长角(虫兆)科),昆虫分类学报,2016,38(3):163-168(第一作者)
- 徐衡,张峰.New blind species and new records of Sinella from Nanjing, China (Collembola, Entomobryidae),ZOOKEYS,2016,(604):31-40(第一作者)
- 徐曼宇,周亭,赵彦英,李嘉宝,徐衡,董汉松,张春玲.Transgenic Expression of a Functional Fragment of Harpin Protein Hpa1 in Wheat Represses English Grain Aphid Infestation,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2014,13(12):2565-2576(参与作者)
- 张春玲,付茂强,徐衡,董汉松.拟南芥韧皮部防卫反应转录调控与小麦抗蚜虫机制,南京农业大学学报,2012,35(5):113-124(参与作者)