- 所在单位:经济管理学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:经济学博士学位
- Xiong Hang,Hu Wuyang,Xu Meng,Zhan Jintao.Revisiting heterogenous social desirability bias in consumer willingness to pay for food carbon label: Social norms and environmental concerns,FOOD POLICY,2024,128:1(第一作者)
- 展进涛,杨雨,熊航.环境规制、绿色创新与农业碳生产率,科学学与科学技术管理,2024,:1(通讯作者)
- Xiong Hang,Zhan Jintao,Xu Yujiao,Zuo Alec,Lv Xinye.Challenges or drivers? Threshold effects of environmental regulation on China's agricultural green productivity,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2023,429:1-13(第一作者)
- 陈子豪,高嘉琪,熊航.全球断供危机下中国油料产业发展的破局逻辑与实现路——来自四川省三台县、湖北省监利县的经验,农业经济问题,2023,(2023年06期):111-120(通讯作者)
- Challenges or drivers? Threshold effects of environmental regulation on China’s agricultural green productivity,Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,429:139503(第一作者)
- Wang Ying, Xiong Hang, Chen Chao.Agricultural non-point source pollution and health of the elderly in rural China.,PloS one,2022,17(10):e0274027-e0274027(参与作者)
- Zhan Jintao,Ma Yubei,Deng Pengcheng,Li Yinqiu,Xu Meng,Xiong Hang.Designing enhanced labeling information to increase consumer willingness to pay for genetically modified foods,BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL,2021,123(1):405-418(参与作者)
- 不同环境规制政策对中国规模以上工业企业技术创新的影响,资源科学,2020,42(7):1348-1360(第一作者)
- 熊航,徐国彬,刘爱军.法国商业化育种演变及启示,世界农业,2017,453(1):164-168(第一作者)
- Duvivier,熊航.Transboundary pollution in China: a study of polluting firms' location choices in Hebei province,ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS,2013,18(4):459-483(参与作者)