- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 刘雪莹,刘哲,郝紫微,陈国栋,齐开杰,张皓,焦慧君,吴潇,张绍铃,吴巨友,王鹏.Characterization of Dof family in Pyrus bretschneideri and role of PbDof9.2 in flowering time regulation,Genomics,2020,112(1):712-720(参与作者)
- 刘春欣,乔鑫,李琼厚,曾维维,魏树伟,王鑫,陈杨杨,吴潇,吴俊,殷豪,张绍铃.Genome-wide comparative analysis of the BAHD superfamily in seven Rosaceae species and expression analysis in pear (Pyrus bretschneideri),BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2020,20(1):-(参与作者)
- 陈国栋,李晓龙,乔鑫,李甲明,王莉,寇小兵,吴潇,王国明,殷豪,王鹏,张绍铃,吴巨友.Genome-wide survey and expression analysis of the SLAC/SLAH gene family in pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) and other members of the Rosaceae,GENOMICS,2019,111(5):1097-1107(参与作者)
- 齐开杰,吴潇,谢智华,孙新菊,谷超,陶书田,张绍铃.Seed coat removal in pear accelerates embryo germination by down-regulating key genes in ABA biosynthesis,JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY,2019,94(6):718-725(参与作者)
- PbrSLAH3 is a nitrate-selective anion channel which is modulated by calcium-dependent protein kinase 32 in pear,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2019,19:-(参与作者)
- 孔佳君,曹鹏,吴潇,袁亚洲,余珮嘉,陶书田,张绍铃.不同颜色滤光膜套袋对砀山酥梨'果实品质及矿质元素含量的影响,园艺学报,2018,45(6):1173-1184(参与作者)
- Diversification and independent domestication of Asian and European pears,GENOME BIOLOGY,2018,19(0):-(参与作者)
- 陈杨杨,殷豪,吴潇,石新杰,齐开杰,张绍铃.Comparative analysis of the volatile organic compounds in mature fruits of 12 Occidental pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2018,240(0):239-248(参与作者)
- 吴潇,殷豪,施泽彬,陈杨杨,齐开杰,乔鑫,王国明,曹鹏,张绍铃.Chemical Composition and Crystal Morphology of Epicuticular Wax in Mature Fruits of 35 Pear (Pyrus spp.) Cultivars,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2018,9:-(第一作者)
- Genetic variation and population structure of "Zangli" pear landraces in Tibet revealed by SSR markers,TREE GENETICS & GENOMES,2017,13(1):-(参与作者)