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美国康涅狄格大学 风景园林 The graduate student is educated Doctoral degree
南京林业大学 园林植物与观赏园艺 The graduate student is educated Master's Degree in Agriculture
南京林业大学 园林 UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
南京农业大学园艺学院 教学,研究
Climate adaptation planning and resilience planning
Sustainable environmental landscape design
Ni Yuchun,Wu Tao,Wei Jiaxing,Shou Tianyuan.Identifying Priority Protected Areas Based on Land-Water Coupling Ecosystem Services Assessment: A Case Study in the Shanghai Metropolitan Area, China,POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES,2022,31(6):5175-5194(Participating authors)
Tian Li,Ma Zhaodi,Qiu Hao,Liu Xiaotian,Wu Tao,Ge Feng,Liu Rui,Zhu Jing,Shi Liang,Jiang Ailiang,Yu Hanshou,Ren Ang.Chitosan Increases Lysine Content through Amino Acid Transporters in Flammulina filiformis,FOODS,2022,11(14)(Participating authors)
Wu Tao,Barrett Juliana.Coastal Land Use Management Methodologies under Pressure from Climate Change and Population Growth,Environmental Management,2022,70(5):827-839(First and corresponding author)
Ni Yuchun,Wei Jiaxing,Wu Tao,Guo Min,Han Qiyao,Zhang Mingjuan.Mapping and assessing ecosystem service supply-demand to identify critical areas: A case study of a waterside area in Shanghai metropolitan area,FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE,2022,10(Participating authors)
武涛.Quantifying coastal flood vulnerability for climate adaptation policy using principal component analysis,ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,2021,129(2):-(First and corresponding author)
魏家星,姜卫兵,武涛.美丽乡村建设与农业遗产保护耦合发展研究,中国农史,2017,36(1):136-142(Participating authors)