- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 李胜男,张明月,李晓龙,齐开杰,张绍铃,薛蕾,李甲明,吴俊.苹果和梨远缘杂种后代的鉴定,农业生物技术学报,2021,29(2):393-401(通讯作者)
- 刘春欣,乔鑫,李琼厚,曾维维,魏树伟,王鑫,陈杨杨,吴潇,吴俊,殷豪,张绍铃.Genome-wide comparative analysis of the BAHD superfamily in seven Rosaceae species and expression analysis in pear (Pyrus bretschneideri),BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2020,20(1):-(参与作者)
- 曾维维,乔鑫,李琼厚,刘春欣,吴俊,殷豪,张绍铃.Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of the ADH gene family in Chinese white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) and other Rosaceae species,GENOMICS,2020,112(5):3484-3496(参与作者)
- 孙洁莹,刘月园,张明月,杨广艳,汪润泽,徐锦涛,李清玉,张绍铃,Wenquan Le,郝宝峰,李元军,吴俊.Identification of key genes related to seedlessness by genome-wide detection of structural variation and transcriptome analysis in 'Shijiwuhe' pear,GENE,2020,738:-(通讯作者)
- 薛雍松,徐少卓,薛程,汪润泽,张明月,李甲明,张绍铃,吴俊.Pearprocess: A new phenotypic tool for stone cell trait evaluation in pear fruit,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2020,19(6):1625-1634(通讯作者)
- 张明月,刘月园,孙洁莹,常文静,孙满意,张绍铃,吴俊.Comparison of multiple algorithms to reliably detect structural variants in pears,BMC GENOMICS,2020,21(1):-(通讯作者)
- 胡康棣,李闯,吴俊, 魏树伟,孙红叶, 胡兰英,韩卓,姚改芳 , 张华.PyWRKY26 and PybHLH3 cotargeted the PyMYB114 promoter to regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport in red-skinned pears,HORTICULTURE RESEARCH,2020,7(1):-(第一作者)
- 章加应,李甲明,薛程,汪润泽,张明月,齐开杰,樊青,胡红菊,张绍铃,吴俊.The Variation of Stone Cell Content in 236 Germplasms of Sand Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) and Identification of Related Candidate Genes,HORTICULTURAL PLANT JOURNAL,2020,7(2):108-116(通讯作者)
- 泥江萍,李甲明,朱荣香,张明月,齐开杰,张绍铃,吴俊.Overexpression of sugar transporter gene PbSWEET4 of pear causes sugar reduce and early senescence in leaves,GENE,2020,743:144582(通讯作者)
- Contrasting genetic variation and positive selection followed the divergence of NBS-encoding genes in Asian and European pears,BMC GENOMICS,2020,21(1):-(通讯作者)