- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 吴巨友,屈海泳,尚忠林,陶书田,徐国华,吴俊,吴华清,张绍铃.Reciprocal regulation of Ca(2+)-activated outward K(+) channels of Pyrus pyrifolia pollen by heme and carbon monoxide,New Phytologist,2011,189(4):1060-1068(参与作者)
- 吴俊,谷超,杜玉虎,吴华清,Liu Wei-sheng,Liu Ning,路娟,张绍铃.Self-compatibility of 'Katy' apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is associated with pollen-part mutations,SEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTION,2011,24(1):23-35(第一作者)
- 吴巨友,靳丛,屈海泳,陶书田,徐国华,吴俊,吴华清,张绍铃.Low temperature inhibits pollen viability by alteration of actin cytoskeleton and regulation of pollen plasma membrane ion channels in Pyrus pyrifolia,Environmental and Experimental Botany,2011,78(2012):70-75(参与作者)
- 沙守峰,Li Juncai,吴俊,张绍铃.Characteristics of organic acids in the fruit of different pear species,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH,2011,6(10):2403-2410(参与作者)
- 齐永杰,吴华清,曹玉芬,吴俊,陶书田,张绍铃.Heteroallelic diploid pollen led to self-compatibility in tetraploid cultivar 'Sha 01' (Pyrus sinkiangensis Yu),TREE GENETICS & GENOMES,2011,7(4):685-695(参与作者)
- 赵广,乐文全,路娟,张绍铃,李俊才,吴俊.梨果皮色泽变异品种(系)的AFLP与SRAP标记鉴定,果树学报,2011,28(4):568-574(通讯作者)
- 沙守峰,Li Juncai,吴俊,张绍铃.Changes in the organic acid content and related metabolic enzyme activities in developing 'Dangshansuli' pear fruit,AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH,2011,5(26):4513-4518(参与作者)
- 谷超,吴俊,张树军,杨雅楠,吴华清,Khan,M.Awais,张绍铃,Liu Qing-Zhong.Molecular analysis of eight SFB alleles and a new SFB-like gene in Prunus pseudocerasus and Prunus speciosa,TREE GENETICS & GENOMES,2011,7(5):891-902(第一作者)
- 路娟,吴俊,张绍铃,吴华清,张妤艳.不同系统梨种质遗传多样性与分类关系的SSR分析,南京农业大学学报,2011,34(2):38-46(通讯作者)
- 张树军,吴俊,陈慧,谷超,陶书田,吴巨友,张绍铃.Identification of differentially expressed genes in a spontaneous mutant of 'Nanguoli' pear (Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim) with large fruit,JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY,2011,86(6):595-602(参与作者)