- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 滕美贞,陈利彬,刘伦,齐开杰,张绍铃,吴俊.南京地区梨种质资源开花与坐果特性调查分析,果树学报,2015,32(4):572-582(通讯作者)
- 李甲明,黄小三,李雷廷,薛程,张绍铃,Zheng DanMan,吴俊.Proteome analysis of pear reveals key genes associated with fruit development and quality,PLANTA,2015,241(6):1363-1379(通讯作者)
- Identification of differentially expressed genes using digital gene expression profiles in Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hosui bud release following early defoliation,TREE GENETICS & GENOMES,2015,11(3):-(参与作者)
- 刘伦,王超,姚改芳,王德孚,吴俊.外源生长调节剂处理对满天红*砀山酥梨后代成花的影响,南京农业大学学报,2015,38(3):381-388(通讯作者)
- 陈建清,李昕悦,王丹琪,李雷廷,周宏胜,刘哲,吴俊,王鹏,蒋雪婷,Fabrice Musana R ,张绍铃,吴巨友.Identification and testing of reference genes for gene expression analysis in pollen of Pyrus bretschneideri,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2015,190:43-56(参与作者)
- 孙江妹,殷豪,李雷廷,宋跃,范练,张绍铃,吴俊.Evaluation of new IRAP markers of pear and their potential application in differentiating bud sports and other Rosaceae species,TREE GENETICS & GENOMES,2015,11(2):-(通讯作者)
- Genome-wide Annotation and Comparative Analysis of Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposons between Pear Species of P. bretschneideri and P. Communis,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2015,5:-(参与作者)
- 陈慧,宋跃,李雷廷,M Awais,李秀茛,Korban,m Schuyler S,吴俊,张绍铃.Construction of a High-Density Simple Sequence Repeat Consensus Genetic Map for Pear (Pyrus spp.),PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTER,2015,33(2):316-325(通讯作者)
- 慎家辉,秦安,李甲明,刘伦,吴俊.甲基磺酸乙酯诱变杜梨种子突变的鉴定与分析,浙江农林大学学报,2014,31(6):892-897(通讯作者)
- 高永彬,王春雷,吴巨友,周宏胜,姜雪婷,吴俊,张绍铃.Low temperature inhibits pollen tube growth by disruption of both tip-localized reactive oxygen species and endocytosis in Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2014,74:255-262(参与作者)