- 所在单位:动物科技学院(含无锡渔业学院)
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 洑琴,冷智贤,丁立人,王恬,温超,周岩民.Complete replacement of supplemental DL-methionine by betaine affects meat quality and amino acid contents in broilers,ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2016,212:63-69(共同通讯作者)
- 李晓晗,朱玉萍,温超,周岩民.载锌凹凸棒石黏土中锌的解吸及抑菌作用研究,非金属矿,2015,38(3):9-12(参与作者)
- 乔丽红,陈跃平,温超,周岩民.Effects of natural and heat modified palygorskite supplementation on the laying performance, egg quality, intestinal morphology, digestive enzyme activity and pancreatic enzyme mRNA expression of laying hens,APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2015,104:303-308(参与作者)
- 冷智贤,洑琴,杨雪,白建勇,周岩民,温超.甜菜碱对肉鸡屠宰性能及胸肌肉品质的影响,食品科学,2015,36(9):166-169(通讯作者)
- 陈跃平,温超,庄苏,周岩民.A Comparison of Growth, Immunity and Oxidative Status of Broilers that Differ in Hatching Weight at Early Age,JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE,2015,52(2):137-144(参与作者)
- 唐志刚,陈刚耀,李林枫,温超,王恬,周岩民.Effect of zinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite on growth performance, zinc accumulation, and gene expression of zinc transporters in broilers,JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,2015,93(2):620-626(参与作者)
- 洑琴,乔丽红,唐志刚,温超,刘文斌,周岩民.胍基乙酸对建鲤生产性能、体成分及肌肉能量代谢关键酶的影响,中国粮油学报,2015,30(3):85-89(参与作者)
- 张瑞强,杨雪,陈跃平,颜瑞,温超,刘文斌,周岩民.Effects of feed palygorskite inclusion on pelleting technological characteristics, growth performance and tissue trace elements content of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala),APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE,2015,114:197-201(参与作者)
- 李林枫,李萍,陈跃平,温超,庄苏,周岩民.Zinc-bearing zeolite clinoptilolite improves tissue zinc accumulation in laying hens by enhancing zinc transporter gene mRNA abundance,ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL,2015,86(8):782-789(参与作者)
- 陈星,陈跃平,吴大伟,温超,周岩民.Effects of Heat-oxidized Soy Protein Isolate on Growth Performance and Digestive Function of Broiler Chickens at Early Age,ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES,2015,28(4):544-550(参与作者)