- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 徐文正,周治国,詹冬,赵文青,孟亚利,陈兵林,Weihu Liu,王友华.The difference in the formation of thermotolerance of two cotton cultivars with different heat tolerance,ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE,2020,66(1):58-69(通讯作者)
- 赵文青,董浩然,周治国,王友华,胡伟.Potassium (K) application alleviates the negative effect of drought on cotton fiber strength by sustaining higher sucrose content and carbohydrates conversion rate,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2020,157:105-113(参与作者)
- Cool temperature caused by late planting affects seed vigor via altering kernel biomass and antioxidant metabolism in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.),FIELD CROPS RESEARCH,2019,236:145-154(参与作者)
- 赵文青,Dong, Haoran,Zahoor, Rizwan,周治国,Snider, John L.,Chen, Yinglong,Siddique, Kadambot H. M.,王友华.Ameliorative effects of potassium on drought-induced decreases in fiber length of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) are associated with osmolyte dynamics during fiber development,The Crop Journal,2019,7(5):619-634(通讯作者)
- 李岩,张希鹤,郁凯,霍钰阳,王友华,陈兵林.不同棉花品种及施钾量对黄萎病抗性生理机制的影响,棉花学报,2019,31(1):40-53(参与作者)
- 吴悠,赵文青,孟亚利,王友华,陈兵林,周治国.Relationships between temperature-light meteorological factors and seedcotton biomass per boll at different boll positions,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2018,17(6):1315-1326(参与作者)
- 赵文青,吴悠,Zahoor Rizwan,王友华,马伊娜,陈兵林,孟亚利,周治国.Effects of planting dates and shading on carbohydrate content, yield, and fiber quality in cotton with respect to fruiting positions,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2018,17(5):1106-1119(参与作者)
- 王海苗,陈英龙,徐冰洁,胡伟,John L Snider,孟亚利,陈兵林,王友华,赵文青,王珊珊,周治国.Long-term exposure to slightly elevated air temperature alleviates the negative impacts of short term waterlogging stress by altering nitrogen metabolism in cotton leaves,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2018,123:242-251(参与作者)
- 杨洪坤,张馨月,陈兵林,孟亚利,赵文青,王友华,周治国.Integrated soil-cotton system management enhances triacylglycerol yield and favourable fatty acid profile,INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS,2018,117:393-403(参与作者)
- 张希鹤,李岩,郁凯,霍钰阳,王友华,陈兵林.黄萎病胁迫影响棉花幼苗光合及叶绿素荧光特性的机理,棉花学报,2018,30(2):136-144(参与作者)