- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 柴启超,尚小光,吴双,朱国忠,程朝泽,蔡彩平,王心宇,郭旺珍.5-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase Gene Dosage Affects Programmed Cell Death and Immunity,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2017,175(1):511-528(通讯作者)
- A RACK1-like protein regulates hyphal morphogenesis, root entry and in vivo virulence in Verticillium dahliae,FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY,2017,99(0):52-61(通讯作者)
- 吴向阳,程朝泽,吕高强,王心宇.芝麻AQP家族的全基因组序列鉴定及其特征分析,中国农业科学,2016,49(10):1844-1858(通讯作者)
- 徐晓洋,冯玥,房帅,徐君,王心宇,郭旺珍.Genome-wide characterization of the beta-1,3-glucanase gene family in Gossypium by comparative analysis,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(通讯作者)
- 戚雪银,周帅,尚小光,王心宇.VdSho1 Regulates Growth, Oxidant Adaptation and Virulence in Verticillium dahliae,JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY,2016,164(43051):1064-1074(通讯作者)
- 徐君,徐晓洋,田亮亮,王桂林,张雪颖,王心宇,郭旺珍.Discovery and identification of candidate genes from the chitinase gene family for Verticillium dahliae resistance in cotton,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:-(通讯作者)
- 徐君,王心宇,郭旺珍.The cytochrome P450 superfamily: Key players in plant development and defense,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2015,14(9):1673-1686(参与作者)
- 田卉,周雷,郭旺珍,王心宇.Small GTPase Rac1 and its interaction partner Cla4 regulate polarized growth and pathogenicity in Verticillium dahliae,FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY,2015,74(0):21-31(通讯作者)
- 吕高强,吴向阳,王心宇.芝麻中一个富含脯氨酸新基因的克隆与特征分析,作物学报,2015,41(12):1810-1818(通讯作者)
- GhCFE1A, a dynamic linker between the ER network and actin cytoskeleton, plays an important role in cotton fibre cell initiation and elongation,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2015,66(7):1877-1889(参与作者)