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同济大学 风景园林学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Engineering
南京农业大学 城市规划与设计(风景园林方向) With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Engineering
南京农业大学 园林 University graduated Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
南京农业大学园艺学院 教学科研
Wang Xinxin,Shi Wenhao.Differences in Users' Activity Characteristics and Spatial Patterns in Neighborhood Parks during the Late Afternoon and Evening Periods,LAND,2023,12(7):0(First and corresponding author)
王欣歆,刘宇翔,张清海,马锦义.绿色空间健康效益经济价值评价研究进展——基于CiteSpace和VOSviewer的文献可视化分析,城市建筑,2022,19(2022年14期):100-105(First and corresponding author)
Wang Xinxin,Zhang Jin,Wu Chengzhao.Users' recreation choices and setting preferences for trails in urban forests in Nanjing, China,URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING,2022,73(First and corresponding author)
Wang Xinxin,Zhou Quanfu,Zhang Mingjuan,Zhang Qinghai.Exercise in the Park or Gym? The Physiological and Mental Responses of Obese People Walking in Different Settings at Different Speeds: A Parallel Group Randomized Trial,FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY,2021,12(First and corresponding author)
邵海燕,马锦义,张清海,王欣歆,郜晴,管彦环.校园绿地规划与特色植物群落设计探析——以南京农业大学卫岗校区为例,天津农业科学,2021,27(2021年03期):86-90(Participating authors)
张明娟,董蓉,王欣歆.Plants with health risks undermine residents' perceived health status, evaluations and expectations of residential greenery,LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING,2021,216:-(Participating authors)