- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 张志鹏,曾维英,蔡朝艳,赖振光,苏燕竹,邢光南,王吴彬,孙祖东,盖钧镒.Differentiation and evolution among geographic and seasonal eco-populations of soybean germplasm in Southern China,CROP & PASTURE SCIENCE,2019,70(2):121-132(参与作者)
- MUEEN ALAM KHAN,童飞,王吴彬,贺建波,赵团结,盖钧镒.Using the RTM-GWAS procedure to detect the drought tolerance QTL-allele system at the seedling stage under sand culture in a half-sib population of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.],CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE,2019,99(6):801-814(参与作者)
- 张小利,王吴彬,郭娜,张友谊,卜远鹏,赵晋铭,邢邯.Combining QTL-seq and linkage mapping to fine map a wild soybean allele characteristic of greater plant height,BMC GENOMICS,2018,19:-(参与作者)
- 贺建波,刘方东,邢光南,王吴彬,赵团结,管荣展,盖钧镒.限制性两阶段多位点全基因组关联分析方法的特点与计算程序,作物学报,2018,44(9):1274-1289(参与作者)
- MUEEN ALAM KHAN,童飞,王吴彬,贺建波,赵团结,盖钧镒.Analysis of QTL-allele system conferring drought tolerance at seedling stage in a nested association mapping population of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] using a novel GWAS procedure,PLANTA,2018,248(4):947-962(参与作者)
- 张英虎,贺建波,王吴彬,孟珊,邢光南,李艳,杨守萍,赵晋铭,赵团结,盖钧镒.Detecting the QTL-Allele System of Seed Oil Traits Using Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Population Characterization and Optimal Cross Prediction in Soybean,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2018,9:-(参与作者)
- 杨红燕,王吴彬,何庆元,向仕华,田东,赵团结,盖钧镒.Chromosome segment detection for seed size and shape traits using an improved population of wild soybean chromosome segment substitution lines,PHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS,2017,23(4):877-889(参与作者)
- 王吴彬,刘美凤,王宇峰,栗旭亮,陈世轩,束礼平,俞浙萍,孔杰杰,赵团结,盖钧镒.Characterizing Two Inter-specific Bin Maps for the Exploration of the QTLs/Genes that Confer Three Soybean Evolutionary Traits,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2016,7:-(第一作者)
- 栗旭亮,王吴彬,陈世轩,宋世玉,盖钧镒,赵团结.Using presence/absence variation markers to identify the QTL/allele system that confers the small seed trait in wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.),EUPHYTICA,2016,208(1):101-111(第一作者)
- 何庆元,杨红燕,向仕华,田东,王吴彬,赵团结,盖钧镒.Fine mapping of the genetic locus L1 conferring black pods using a chromosome segment substitution line population of soybean,PLANT BREEDING,2015,134(4):437-445(参与作者)