- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- He You-lei,Lan Li-ming,Zhao Lin,Cai Bin-hua,Qu Shen-chun,Wang San-hong.Comparative transcriptomics analysis reveals MdGRAS53 contributes to disease resistance against Alternaria blotch of apple,JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2022,273(通讯作者)
- Wu Chao,Zhang Ying,Wang Huakun,Yan Mengyao,Wang Sanhong.Self-compatibility of 'Zaohuang' loquat is attributed to the lack of a 52 bp fragment in the S-10-RNase promoter & nbsp;& nbsp;,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2022,301(通讯作者)
- Yu Xinyi,Hou Yingjun,Cao Lifang,Zhou Tingting,Wang Sanhong,Hu Kaixu,Chen Jingrui,Qu Shenchun.MicroRNA candidate miRcand137 in apple is induced by Botryosphaeria dothidea for impairing host defense,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2022,189(3):1814-1832(参与作者)
- 兰黎明,王静,王海玮,王三红.江苏省新沂市葡萄产业调查分析,落叶果树,2022,54(2022年02期):18-21(参与作者)
- Wu Chao,Zhang Ying,Wang Huakun,Yan Mengyao,Wang Sanhong.Self-compatibility of 'Zaohuang' loquat is attributed to the lack of a 52 bp fragment in the S-10-RNase promoter,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2022,301(通讯作者)
- Wu Chao, Zhang Ying, Wang Huakun, Yan Mengyao, Wang Sanhong.Self-compatibility of 'Zaohuang' loquat is attributed to the lack of a 52 bp fragment in the S10-RNase promoter,SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2022,301:-(通讯作者)
- 何青青,傅伟红,张辉邦,徐杏,王海玮,王三红.结果枝管理方式对‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄果实品质的影响,果树学报,2022,0(通讯作者)
- Zhou Tingting,He Youlei,Zeng Xianqi,Cai Binhua,Qu Shenchun,Wang Sanhong.Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing in Two Contrasting Apple Cultivars Defense against Alternaria alternata Apple Pathotype Infection,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2022,23(22)(通讯作者)
- 闫梦瑶,董兰英,王三红.软枣猕猴桃苗木繁殖及栽培技术,落叶果树,2022,54(2022年01期):68-70(通讯作者)
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