Research Projects
Lead the project10items: AmongNational1items Other9items
Paper Publications
- Cai Xiaotong, Lin Peiyan, Wang Rui.Intelligent manufacturing and corporate green transformation,INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS,2025,97:-(Correspondence Author)
- Ouyang Haibing,Sun Guangzheng,Li Kainan,Wang Rui,Lv Xiaoyu,Zhang Zhichao,Zhao Rong,Wang Ying,Shu Haidong,Jiang Haibin,Zhang Sicong,Wu Jinbin,Zhang Qi,Chen Xi,Liu Tengfei,Ye Wenwu,Wang Yan,Wang Yuanchao.Profiling of Phakopsora pachyrhizi transcriptome revealed co-expressed virulence effectors as prospective RNA interference targets for soybean rust management,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY,2024,(Participating authors)
- The role of resource rent in shaping CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: A panel data approach,Resources Policy,2023,85(B):1-9(Correspondence Author)
- 鲍锐,王睿,蒋雪伟,徐杉杉.乡村振兴战略背景下应用型高校涉农专业学生返乡创业意愿实证研究,江苏农业科学,2023,51(2023年24期):239-244(Participating authors)
- Su Ai,Cai Xiaotong,Liu Xue-Song,Tao Xiang-Nan,Chen Lei,Wang Rui.Talk the walk: how corporate vision works for performance,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR & RESEARCH,2023,:1(Participating authors)
Published Books
- 周应恒,耿献辉,严斌剑,张兆同,邹伟,郭贯成,王睿,江苏乡村振兴战略研究[Monograph]经济管理出版社,2020
- 吴虹雁,王怀明,陆萍(外),仇冬芳(外),姜涛,汤颖梅,王睿,中级财务会计[教材]中国农业出版社,2017