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Profile |
I am interested in the roles of plant roots in ecosystem functioning and how environmental changes will change them. Through field survey, manipulated experiments, and greenhouse cultivation, I aim to investigate the relationship between root traits, root dynamics (standing biomass, production and decomposition) and environmental conditions such as climate warming and nutrient enrichment. Besides experiments, I also do meta-analyses trying to find universal patterns in relation to the above topics.
Please visit my ResearchGate or Google Scholar page for my detailded publication list.
Research Focus |
Educational Experience |
[1] 2012.9 —2016.8
瓦赫宁根大学 | 植物生态与自然保护 | Doctoral Degree in Science | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
[2] 2009.9 —2012.7
北京师范大学 | 生态学 | Master's Degree in Science | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
[3] 2005.9 —2009.7
北京师范大学 | 生物科学 | Bachelor's Degree in Science | University graduated
Work Experience |
[1] 2020.10 —Now
南京农业大学 | 教师
[2] 2017.2 —2020.8
南京农业大学 | 博士后
Social Affiliations |
Research Group |