- 所在单位:资源与环境科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- Zhou Xian,Wang Jian,Jiang Yi,Leng Ganghua,Vasilyeva Galina K.,Waigi Michael Gatheru,Gao Yanzheng.Characterization of Different Molecular Size Fractions of Glomalin-Related Soil Protein From Forest Soil and Their Interaction With Phenanthrene,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2022,12(参与作者)
- Tang Lei,Zhang Xiaochun,Li Zekai,Wang Jian,Liu Hua,Gao Yanzheng.Enhanced PAHs-contaminated site soils remediation by mixed persulfate and calcium peroxide,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022,306(共同通讯作者)
- Tang Lei,Gudda Fredrick Owino,Wu Chenxi,Ling Wanting,El-Ramady Hassan,Mosa Ahmed,Wang Jian.Contributions of partition and adsorption to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sorption by fractionated soil at different particle sizes,CHEMOSPHERE,2022,301(通讯作者)
- Gudda Fredrick Owino,Ateia Mohamed,Waigi Michael Gatheru,Wang Jian,Gao Yanzheng.Ecological and human health risks of manure-borne steroid estrogens: A 20-year global synthesis study,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT,2022,301(通讯作者)
- Wang Jian,Tang Kaidi,Hu Xiaojie,Wang Hefei,Gudda Fredrick Owino,Odinga Emmanuel Stephen,El-Ramady Hassan,Ling Wanting.Impact of hexachlorocyclohexane addition on the composition and potential functions of the bacterial community in red and purple paddy soil*,ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2022,297(第一作者)
- 林家宝,孙雨豪,王建,高彦征.土壤中邻苯二甲酸酯的高效液相色谱检测方法,中国环境科学,2022,0(通讯作者)
- 魏通,段振宇,张贵驰,凌婉婷,王建.接种功能内生细菌Diaphorobacter sp. Phe15减少蔬菜亚细胞菲积累的体外试验研究,微生物学报,2022,62(2022年09期):3437-3448(通讯作者)
- Wang Jian,Yang Zhiyao,Zhou Xian,Waigi Michael Gatheru,Gudda Fredrick Owino,Odinga Emmanuel Stephen,Mosa Ahmed,Ling Wanting.Nitrogen addition enhanced the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons dissipation through increasing the abundance of related degrading genes in the soils,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022,435(第一作者)
- Hu Xiaojie,Yu Qing,Gatheru Waigi Michael,Ling Wanting,Qin Chao,Wang Jian,Gao Yanzheng.Microplastics-sorbed phenanthrene and its derivatives are highly bioaccessible and may induce human cancer risks,Environment International,2022,168(参与作者)
- 段振宇,高乃征,张贵驰,王建,凌婉婷.接种功能内生细菌对蔬菜亚细胞菲积累的削减作用,环境科学学报,2021,41(4):1529-1537(通讯作者)