- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- Mu Zhihui, Bo Yu, Xu Jihang, Song Kai, Dong Boda, Wang Jian, Shu Sheng, Wang Yu, Guo Shirong.Development and application of greenhouse light environment simulation technology based on light path tracing,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2024,218:-(通讯作者)
- 董宇,郭世荣,李向雨,王健,王玉,束胜.消毒、伴生和微生物菌对连作基质性质及黄瓜生长发育的影响,西北植物学报,2023,43(2023年07期):1136-1145(参与作者)
- Bo Yu,Zhang Yu,Zheng Kunpeng,Zhang Jingxu,Wang Xiaochan,Sun Jin,Wang Jian,Shu Sheng,Wang Yu,Guo Shirong.Light environment simulation for a three-span plastic greenhouse based on greenhouse light environment simulation software,ENERGY,2023,271(通讯作者)
- Xu Jihang,Bai Weitao,Wang Jian,Mu Zhihui,Sun Weizhen,Dong Boda,Song Kai,Yang Yalan,Guo Shirong,Shu Sheng,Wang Yu.Study on the Cooling Effect of Double-Layer Spray Greenhouse,AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2023,13(7)(通讯作者)
- 刘宏运,林威柱,王健,孙锦,束胜,郭世荣,王玉.叶面喷施不同浓度腐胺复配剂对黄瓜幼苗高温抗性的影响,中国蔬菜,2023,(参与作者)
- Zhu Mengliang,Chen Guangling,Wu Jianqing,Wang Jian,Wang Yu,Guo Shirong,Shu Sheng.Identification of cucumber S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase genes and functional analysis of CsSAMDC3 in salt tolerance,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2023,14(参与作者)
- Zheng Kunpeng,Bo Yu,Zhang Yu,Xu Jihang,Wang Jian,Guo Shirong,Sun Jin,Shu Sheng,Wang Yu.CFD simulation and experimental study of the irrigation performance of new ebb-and-flow soilless cultivation troughs,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2022,202(通讯作者)
- Zhou Yaguang,Sang Ting,Tian Mimi,Jahan Mohammad Shah,Wang Jian,Li Xiangyu,Guo Shirong,Liu Hongyun,Wang Yu,Shu Sheng.Effects of Bacillus cereus on Photosynthesis and Antioxidant Metabolism of Cucumber Seedlings under Salt Stress,HORTICULTURAE,2022,8(5)(参与作者)
- 郑琨鹏,薄宇,鲍彦达,朱小磊,王健,王玉.A Machine Learning Model for Photorespiration Response to Multi-Factors,HORTICULTURAE,2021,7(8):-(通讯作者)
- 张月美,王玉,温文旭,施峥嵘,古勤生,Ahammed Golam Jalal,曹凯,Jahan Mohammod Shah,束胜,王健,孙锦,郭世荣.Hydrogen peroxide mediates spermidine-induced autophagy to alleviate salt stress in cucumber,AUTOPHAGY,2021,:-(参与作者)