教授 博士生导师
(1)以酵母、水稻为主要研究平台,开发新型高效、精准且特异的碱基编辑工具; (2)利用基因编辑技术,结合多组学(如表型组、代谢组等)和人工智能(深度学习)等先进技术,创制高产、多抗的作物新种质。
谭俊杰,南京农业大学2020年度高层次引进人才,教授,博士生导师。2009年毕业于湖南大学生物技术专业,并获得理学学士学位。2009至2015年硕博连读并获得湖南大学分析化学专业博士学位。2015至2020年,在德国马克思普朗克分子植物生理研究所从事博士后研究。主要从事新型精准基因编辑工具开发以及在作物遗传育种中的应用。创新性开发了兼具高效率、高精度以及高特异性的新型碱基编辑器,能够实现特定位点上单个碱基的精准替换, 为人类遗传疾病治疗以及作物精准育种提供了重要工具。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications(2篇),Molecular Plant, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Trends in Genetics 等本领域国际主流刊物上发表论文十余篇,其中3篇入选ESI高被引论文, 获授权国家发明专利1件,国际发明专利1件,入选国家级青年人才项目、江苏省“双创”人才。
论文发表 (*共一作,#共通讯)
1. Ye, Z., Zhang, Y., He, S., Li, S., Luo, L., Zhou, Y., Tan, J. # and Wan, J. # (2024) Efficient genome editing in rice with miniature Cas12f variants. aBIOTECH, 5, 184-188.
2. Tian, M., Lin, S., Huang, W., Zhao, W., Tan, J. # and Wang, M#. (2024) Comprehensive analysis of the metabolic nutritional components and exploration of health-promoting small molecules in japonica rice and indica rice seeds. Food Safety and Health, 2, 380-392.
3. Tan, J., Forner, J., Karcher, D. and Bock, R. (2022) DNA base editing in nuclear and organellar genomes. Trends in Genetics, 38, 1147-1169. (Feature Review)
4. 赖昕彤,王柯岚,由雨欣,谭俊杰, 基于CRISPR/Cas系统的DNA碱基编辑研究进展,《生物技术通报》,2022, 38(6): 1-6. (特约综述)
5. Zhou, Y. #, Xu, S., Jiang, N., Zhao, X., Bai, Z., Liu, J., Yao, W., Tang, Q., Xiao, G., Lv, C., Wang, K., Hu, X., Tan, J. #, and Yang, Y. # (2022) Engineering of rice varieties with enhanced resistances to both blast and bacterial blight diseases via CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 20, 876-885.(高被引论文)
6. Tan, J., Zhang, F., Karcher, D. and Bock, R. (2020) Expanding the genome-targeting scope and the site selectivity of high-precision base editors. Nature Communications, 11, 629.
7. Tan, J., Zhang, F., Karcher, D. and Bock, R. (2019) Engineering of high-precision base editors for site-specific single nucleotide replacement. Nature Communications, 10, 439. (高被引论文)
8. Heng, Y., Wu, C., Long, Y., Luo, S., Ma, J., Chen, J., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Ren, Y., Wang, M., Tan, J., Zhu, S., Wang, J., Lei, C., Zhang, X., Guo, X., Wang, H., Cheng, Z., and Wan, J. (2018) OsALMT7 Maintains Panicle Size and Grain Yield in Rice by Mediating Malate Transport. Plant Cell, 30, 889-906.
9. Sheng, P., Wu, F., Tan, J., Zhang, H., Ma, W., Chen, L., Wang, J., Wang, J., Zhu, S., Guo, X. et al. (2016) A CONSTANS-like transcriptional activator, OsCOL13, functions as a negative regulator of flowering downstream of OsphyB and upstream of Ehd1 in rice. Plant Molecular Biology, 92, 209-222.
10. Tan, J., Wu, F. and Wan, J. (2017) Flowering time regulation by the CONSTANS-Like gene OsCOL10. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 12, e1267893.
11. Tan, J., Jin, M., Wang, J., Wu, F., Sheng, P., Cheng, Z., Wang, J., Zheng, X., Chen, L., Wang, M. et al. (2016) OsCOL10, a CONSTANS-Like Gene, Functions as a Flowering Time Repressor Downstream of Ghd7 in Rice. Plant and Cell Physiology, 57, 798-812.
12. Wu, F. *, Sheng, P. *, Tan, J. *, Chen, X., Lu, G., Ma, W., Heng, Y., Lin, Q., Zhu, S., Wang, J. et al. (2015) Plasma membrane receptor-like kinase leaf panicle 2 acts downstream of the DROUGHT AND SALT TOLERANCE transcription factor to regulate drought sensitivity in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66, 271-281.
13. Tan, J., Tan, Z., Wu, F., Sheng, P., Heng, Y., Wang, X., Ren, Y., Wang, J., Guo, X., Zhang, X. et al. (2014) A novel chloroplast-localized pentatricopeptide repeat protein involved in splicing affects chloroplast development and abiotic stress response in rice. Molecular Plant, 7, 1329-1349.
14. Sheng, P. *, Tan, J. *, Jin, M., Wu, F., Zhou, K., Ma, W., Heng, Y., Wang, J., Guo, X., Zhang, X. et al. (2014) Albino midrib 1, encoding a putative potassium efflux antiporter, affects chloroplast development and drought tolerance in rice. Plant Cell Reports, 33, 1581-1594.
15. Zhou, F., Lin, Q., Zhu, L., Ren, Y., Zhou, K., Shabek, N., Wu, F., Mao, H., Dong, W., Gan, L., Ma, W., Gao, H., Chen, J., Yang, C., Wang, D., Tan, J., Zhang, X., Guo, X., Wang, J., Jiang, L., Liu, X., Chen, W., Chu, J., Yan, C., Ueno, K., Ito, S., Asami, T., Cheng, Z., Wang, J., Lei, C., Zhai, H., Wu, C., Wang, H., Zheng, N., and Wan, J. (2013) D14-SCF(D3)-dependent degradation of D53 regulates strigolactone signalling. Nature, 504, 406-410. (高被引论文)
湖南大学 分析化学 博士研究生毕业 理学博士学位
湖南大学 生物技术 大学本科教育 学士学位
南京农业大学 教授
德国马克斯•普朗克植物分子生理研究所 博士后