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南京农业大学 植物营养学 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Agriculture
资源与环境科学学院 实验技术Ⅲ(科研实验)
张家亮,杨升,唐珠,杨新萍.养猪废水中抗生素和铜对潜流人工湿地土壤呼吸和芦苇光合作用的影响,环境工程学报,2024,:1803-1811(Participating authors)
王鑫凤,黄亚惠,唐珠,杨新萍.纳米银及不同形态银化合物对氨氧化细菌Nitrosomonas europaea的胁迫效应,南京农业大学学报,2024,(Participating authors)
Fan Zengzeng, Huang Yahui, Duan Ying, Tang Zhu, Yang Xinping.Effects of silver nanoparticles and various forms of silver on nitrogen removal by the denitrifier Pseudomonas stutzeri and their toxicity mechanisms,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024,269:-(Participating authors)
Xu Xuejie, Sun Sheng-Kai, Zhang Wenwen, Tang Zhu, Zhao Fang-Jie.Editing Silicon Transporter Genes to Reduce Arsenic Accumulation in Rice,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2024,58(4):1976-1985(Participating authors)
Chen Ting-Ting, Zhao Peng, Wang Yuan, Wang Han-Qing, Tang Zhu, Hu Han, Liu Yu, Xu Ji-Ming, Mao Chuan-Zao, Zhao Fang-Jie, Wu Zhong-Chang.The plastid-localized lipoamide dehydrogenase 1 is crucial for redox homeostasis, tolerance to arsenic stress and fatty acid biosynthesis in rice,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,2024,:-(Participating authors)
Chen Chuan,Yu Yu,Wang Yijie,Gao Axiang,Yang Baoyun,Tang Zhu,Zhao Fang-Jie.Reduction of Dimethylarsenate to Highly Toxic Dimethylarsenite in Paddy Soil and Rice Plants,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2023,00(Participating authors)