基本信息 / Basic Information
- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 学位: 农学博士学位
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- 宋爱萍,安娟,管志勇,蒋甲福,陈发棣,楼望淮,房伟民,刘兆磊,陈素梅.The constitutive expression of a two transgene construct enhances the abiotic stress tolerance of chrysanthemum,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2014,80(0):114-120(第一作者)
- 张凤姣,王芝权,董文,孙春青,王海滨,宋爱萍,何立中,房伟民,陈发棣,滕年军.Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveals mechanisms of embryo abortion during chrysanthemum cross breeding,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2014,4(0):-(参与作者)
- 安娟,2017036,管志勇,蒋甲福,陈发棣,楼望淮,房伟民,刘兆磊,陈素梅.The over-expression of Chrysanthemum crassum CcSOS1 improves the salinity tolerance of chrysanthemum,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS,2014,41(6):4155-4162(参与作者)