- 所在单位:生命科学学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 张毅华,程鹏飞,王军,Dyaaaldin Abdalmegeed,李莹,吴茫腾,戴琛,万书贝,管荣展,浦惠明,沈文飚.Nitric Oxide Is Associated With Heterosis of Salinity Tolerance in Brassica napus L.,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021,12:-(通讯作者)
- Duan Xingliang,Xu Sheng,Xie Yuanming,Li Lun,Qi Weicong,Parizot Boris,Zhang Yonghong,Chen Tao,Han Yi,Van Breusegem Frank,Beeckman Tom,Shen Wenbiao,Xuan Wei.Periodic root branching is influenced by light through an HY1-HY5-auxin pathway,CURRENT BIOLOGY,2021,31(17):3834-+(共同通讯作者)
- Li Longna,Zeng Yan,Cheng Xu,Shen Wenbiao.The Applications of Molecular Hydrogen in Horticulture,HORTICULTURAE,2021,7(11)(通讯作者)
- 金欣欣,李莹,卢荣飞,程鹏飞,张毅华,李龙娜,汪仁,崔瑾,沈文飚.Methane-induced lateral root formation requires the participation of nitric oxide signaling,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2020,147:262-271(通讯作者)
- Genetic elucidation of hydrogen signaling in plant osmotic tolerance and stomatal closure via hydrogen sulfide,FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE,2020,161:1-14(通讯作者)
- 李龙娜,刘宇昊,王曙,邹建新,丁文江,沈文飚.Magnesium Hydride-Mediated Sustainable Hydrogen Supply Prolongs the Vase Life of Cut Carnation Flowers via Hydrogen Sulfide,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2020,11:1-13(通讯作者)
- 曹泽彧,周恒,孔令帅,李龙娜,汪仁,沈文飚.A Novel Mechanism Underlying Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube-Triggered Tomato Lateral Root Formation: the Involvement of Nitric Oxide,NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS,2020,15(1):1-10(通讯作者)
- 赵干,赵莹莹,楼望,Dyaaaldin Abdalmegeed,管荣展,沈文飚.Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Can Promote Brassica napus L. and Arabidopsis thaliana L. Root Hair Development through Nitric Oxide and Ethylene Pathways,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2020,21(23):-(通讯作者)
- 卢荣飞,刘智杨,邵玉东,苏久厂,李雪娟,孙凤,张毅华,李硕,张亚丽,崔瑾,周益军,沈文飚,周彤.Nitric Oxide Enhances Rice Resistance to Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus Infection,RICE,2020,13(1):-(通讯作者)
- 王曰桥,刘宇昊,王曙,杜红梅,沈文飚.Hydrogen agronomy: research progress and prospects,JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B,2020,21(11):841-855(通讯作者)