- 所在单位:工学院
- 学历:研究生教育
- 学位:工学博士学位
- Peng Yingbo,Jia Caijun,Song Lingfeng,Bian Yuchao,Tang Hongwei,Cai Guanglu,Zhong Gaoyan.The manufacturing process optimization and the mechanical properties of FeCoCrNi high entropy alloys fabricated by selective laser melting,INTERMETALLICS,2022,145(第一及通讯作者)
- 彭英博,孔毅,张伟,张明扬,汪海江.Effect of diffusion barrier and interfacial strengthening on the interface behavior between high entropy alloy and diamond,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2021,852(852):-(第一及通讯作者)
- 彭英博,张伟,李天琛,张明扬,王丽,胡松浩.Microstructures and wear-resistance of WC-reinforced high entropy alloy composite coatings by plasma cladding: effect of WC morphology,SURFACE ENGINEERING,2021,1(1):-(第一及通讯作者)
- 刘树宇,张伟,彭英博,周睿,汪海江,马青原.Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of in-situ multi-component carbides reinforced FeCoNi alloy,JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,2021,886(886):-(通讯作者)
- Bian Yuchao,Peng Yingbo,Song Lingfeng,Tang Hongwei,Cai Guanglu,Zhong Gaoyan,Yang Shoufeng.Heterogeneity of 316L/IN718 Formed via Selective Laser Melting Based on Laser Remelting Optimization Process,Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,2021,48(18)(参与作者)
- 卞玉超,彭英博,宋凌峰,汤宏伟,蔡广路,仲高艳,杨守峰.基于激光重熔优化工艺的激光选区熔化316L/IN718异质异构研究,中国激光,2021,48(2021年18期):80-91(参与作者)
- 彭英博,张伟,梅新良,汪海江,张明扬,王丽,李兴峰,胡杨.Microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoCrNi-Mo High entropy alloys prepared by spark plasma sintering and vacuum hot-pressed sintering,MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS,2020,24:-(第一及通讯作者)
- 彭英博,张伟,李天琛,张明扬,刘彬,刘咏,王丽,胡松浩.Effect of WC content on microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloy/WC composite coatings by plasma cladding,SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2020,385:-(第一作者)
- 汪海江,张伟,彭英博,张明扬,刘树宇,刘咏.Microstructures and Wear Resistance of FeCoCrNi-Mo High Entropy Alloy/Diamond Composite Coatings by High Speed Laser Cladding,COATINGS,2020,10(3):-(通讯作者)
- 张伟,张明扬,彭英博,王丽,刘咏,胡松浩,胡杨.Interfacial structures and mechanical properties of a high entropy alloy-diamond composite,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS & HARD MATERIALS,2020,86:-(通讯作者)