- 所在单位:农学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 宋光雷,睢宁,余超然,张凡,孟亚利,陈兵林,赵文青,王友华.秸秆还田替代化学钾肥对棉麦轮作中棉仁油分累积的效应,作物学报,2015,41(10):1548-1556(参与作者)
- 刘敬然,孟亚利,吕丰娟,陈吉,马伊娜,王友华,陈兵林,张雷,周治国.Photosynthetic characteristics of the subtending leaf of cotton boll at different fruiting branch nodes and their relationships with lint yield and fiber quality,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2015,6:-(参与作者)
- 朱利群,胡乃娟,张政文,徐蒋来,陶宝瑞,孟亚利.Short-term responses of soil organic carbon and carbon pool management index to different annual straw return rates in a rice-wheat cropping system,CATENA,2015,135:283-289(参与作者)
- 陈吉,吕丰娟,刘敬然,马伊娜,王友华,陈兵林,孟亚利,周治国.Effects of different planting dates and low light on cotton fibre length formation,ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM,2014,36(10):2581-2595(参与作者)
- Sucrose metabolism in the subtending leaf to cotton boll at different fruiting branch nodes and the relationship to boll weight,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE,2014,152(5):790-804(参与作者)
- 陈吉,吕丰娟,刘敬然,马伊娜,王友华,陈兵林,孟亚利,周治国,Oosterhuis, Derrick M.Effect of Late Planting and Shading on Cellulose Synthesis during Cotton Fiber Secondary Wall Development,PLOS ONE,2014,9(8):-(参与作者)
- 郑密,孟亚利,扬长琴,周治国,王友华,陈兵林.Protein expression changes during cotton fiber elongation in response to drought stress and recovery,PROTEOMICS,2014,14(15):1776-1795(参与作者)
- 蒯婕,刘昭伟,王友华,孟亚利,陈兵林,赵文青,周治国,Oosterhuis, Derrick M.Waterlogging during flowering and boll forming stages affects sucrose metabolism in the leaves subtending the cotton boll and its relationship with boll weight,PLANT SCIENCE,2014,223:79-98(参与作者)
- 张凡,睢宁,余超然,刘瑞显,扬长琴,宋光雷,孟亚利,周治国.小麦秸秆还田和施钾对棉花产量与养分吸收的效应,作物学报,2014,40(12):2169-2175(通讯作者)
- 张雷,周治国,张国伟,孟亚利,陈兵林,王友华.Monitoring cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaf ion content and leaf water content in saline soil with hyperspectral reflectance,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,2014,47:593-610(参与作者)