- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 张大燕,韩兆岚,李金秋,秦昊,周琳,王玉花,朱旭君,马媛春,房婉萍.Genome-wide analysis of the SBP-box gene family transcription factors and their responses to abiotic stresses in tea (Camellia sinensis),GENOMICS,2020,112(3):2194-2202(共同通讯作者)
- 邢安琪,马媛春,武子辰,农寿华,朱姣姣,孙华,陶靖,文博,朱旭君,房婉萍,李孝诚,王玉花.Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the CLC superfamily genes in tea plants (Camellia sinensis),FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS,2020,20(4):497-508(共同第一作者)
- 朱旭君,赵雪,任太钰,马媛春,王玉花,房婉萍.CsICE1 Functions in Cold Tolerance by Regulating Polyamine levels May through Interacting with Arginine Decarboxylase in the Tea Tree,AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2020,10(6):-(参与作者)
- 夏兴莉,廖界仁,任太钰,马媛春,王玉花,房婉萍,朱旭君.低温处理对茶树叶片中gamma-氨基丁酸和其他活性成分含量的影响,植物资源与环境学报,2020,29(5):75-77(参与作者)
- 段玉,朱旭君,申加枝,邢弘擎,Zou Zhongwei,马媛春,王玉花,房婉萍.Genome-wide identification, characterization and expression analysis of the amino acid permease gene family in tea plants ( Camellia sinensis ) /,GENOMICS,2020,112(4):2866-2874(参与作者)
- 文博,任爽,张燕媛,段玉,申加枝,朱旭君,王玉花,马媛春,Zou Zhongwei,房婉萍.Effects of geographic locations and topographical factors on secondary metabolites distribution in green tea at a regional scale,FOOD CONTROL,2020,110:-(参与作者)
- 潘俊廷,李东芹,朱姣姣,疏再发,叶小丽,邢安琪,文博,马媛春,朱旭君,房婉萍,王玉花.Aluminum relieves fluoride stress through stimulation of organic acid production in Camellia sinensis,PHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS,2020,26(6):1127-1137(参与作者)
- 秾味思政———茶香里的初心与使命,中国农业教育,2020,21(04):44-47(参与作者)
- Isolation and expression analysis of Salt Overly Sensitive gene family in grapevine (Vitisvinifera) in response to salt and PEG stress,plos one,2019,3(14):1-16(第一作者)
- 王玉花,常品品,潘俊廷,朱姣姣,崔传磊,叶小丽,马媛春,朱旭君,房婉萍,江昌俊.Effect of aluminum and fluoride on R2R3-MYB transcription factor characterization and expression in Camellia sinensis,BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM,2019,63:298-307(参与作者)