- 所在单位:公共管理学院(含土地管理学院)
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 邹旭, 石晓平, 马贤磊.保障性住房用地配置的空间格局及影响因素--基于省、市、县三级空间错配视角,经济地理,2022,42(8):184-193(通讯作者)
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- Zhao Aidong,Huang Jinsheng,Ploegmakers Huub,Van der Krabben Erwin,Ma Xianlei.The impact of land price regulation on land-use intensity: evidence from Chinese minimum land price regulation policy,APPLIED ECONOMICS,2022,54(32):3668-3677(通讯作者)
- 邹旭,石晓平,马贤磊.保障性住房用地配置的空间格局及影响因素——基于省、市、县三级空间错配视角,经济地理,2022,42(2022年08期):184-193(通讯作者)
- Wang Shunran,Rao Fangping,Ma Xianlei,Shi Xiaoping.Farmland Dispute Prevention: The Role of Land Titling, Social Capital and Household Capability,LAND,2022,11(10):1-15(参与作者)
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- Qiu Tongwei,Ma Xianlei,Luo Biliang.Are private property rights better? evidence from the marketization of land rentals in rural China,ECONOMIC CHANGE AND RESTRUCTURING,2022,55(2):875-902(参与作者)