Research Projects
Lead the project4items: AmongNational1items Other3items
Participate in the project8items: AmongPrefectural3items Other3items School discipline2items
Paper Publications
- Chen, Zikang; Yang, Ruotong; Zhang, Shengfu; Tomas Norton; Shen, Mingxia; Wang, Feng; Lu, Mingzhou.Recognizing pawing behavior of prepartum doe using semantic segmentation and motion history image (MHI) features,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2024,242
- Chen Zikang, Yang Ruotong, Zhang Shengfu, Norton Tomas, Shen Mingxia, Wang Feng, Lu Mingzhou.Recognizing pawing behavior of prepartum doe using semantic segmentation and motion history image (MHI) features,EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,2024,242:-(Correspondence Author)
- 陆明洲,光二颖,陈子康,王锋,张生福,熊迎军.基于双视角图像的山羊体尺自动测量方法,农业机械学报,2023,(First and corresponding author)
- Yang Ruotong, Chen Zikang, Xu Huanliang, Shen Mingxia, Li Pinghua, Norton Tomas, Lu Mingzhou.Recognizing the rooting action of prepartum sow in free-farrowing pen using computer vision,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2023,213:-(Correspondence Author)
- Li Xinzhou, Gao Junfeng, Jin Shichao, Jiang Chunxin, Zhao Mingming, Lu Mingzhou.Towards robust registration of heterogeneous multispectral UAV imagery: A two-stage approach for cotton leaf lesion grading,COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,2023,212:-(Correspondence Author)
- 【Patent】陆明洲,陈天祺,顾兴健,秦欢欢,熊迎军,刘龙申,沈明霞,姚文,赵茹茜,陈新文,一种哺乳期仔猪的活动量计算方法,
- 【Patent】沈明霞,庄超,孙玉文,刘龙申,陆明洲,姚文,赵茹茜,许志强,薛鸿翔,一种基于深度图像的鸡群体重监测系统,ZL201911009725.6,2023
- 【Patent】陆明洲,光二颖,王锋,张国敏,陈子康,沈明霞,熊迎军,刘龙申,从侧视、俯视双视角图像自动测量羊体尺的装置和方法,ZL202211018538.6,2023
- 【Patent】沈明霞,王锦涛,刘龙申,姚文,赵茹茜,陆明洲,薛鸿翔,陈佳,丁奇安,基于笼养鸡异常粪便的溯源预警系统及健康监测方法,ZL202010501613.9,2022
- 【Patent】陆明洲,光二颖,周春梅,赵茹茜,姚文,黄瑞华,沈明霞,陈子康,曹会杰,一种变结构猪用智能产床,ZL202110618884.7,2022