- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士学位
- 周霞,张璐,周俊国,邓英,王怡,娄群峰,陈劲枫.黄瓜未授粉子房离体培养获得胚囊再生植株,园艺学报,2020,47(3):455-466(参与作者)
- 王星,程春燕,李庆蓉,张开京,娄群峰,李季,陈劲枫.Multi-omics analysis revealed that MAPK signaling and flavonoid metabolic pathway contributed to resistance against Meloidogyne incognita in the introgression line cucumber,JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS,2020,220:-(参与作者)
- 亓飞,林姝,宋蒙飞,张孟茹,陈姝延,张乃心,陈劲枫,娄群峰.黄瓜抗白粉病突变体筛选与鉴定,中国农业科学,2020,53(1):172-182(通讯作者)
- 王星,李庆蓉,程春燕,张开京,娄群峰,李季,陈劲枫.Genome-wide analysis of a putative lipid transfer protein LTP_2 gene family reveals CsLTP_2 genes involved in response of cucumber against root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita),GENOME,2020,63(4):225-238(参与作者)
- 宋新颖,宋融融,周佳雯,Wenkai Yan,Tao Zhang,孙昊杰,肖进,吴玉峰,席梦利,娄群峰,王海燕,王秀娥.Development and application of oligonucleotide-based chromosome painting for chromosome 4D of Triticum aestivum L.,CHROMOSOME RESEARCH,2020,28(2):171-182(参与作者)
- 赵勤政,王筠竹,毕云飞,翟于菲,虞夏清,程春燕,王盼乔,李季,娄群峰,陈劲枫.Oligo-painting and GISH reveal meiotic chromosome biases and increased meiotic stability in synthetic allotetraploid Cucumis xhytivus with dysploid parental karyotypes,BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2019,19(1):-(通讯作者)
- 张开京,魏义凡,Njogu, Martin Kagiki,王星,娄群峰,李季,陈劲枫.Genetic mapping of angular leaf spot resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans in a Cucumis hystrix introgression line of cucumber,EUPHYTICA,2019,215(10):-(参与作者)
- 宋蒙飞,程凤,王晶,魏庆镇,付文苑,虞夏清,李季,陈劲枫,娄群峰.A leaf shape mutant provides insight into PINOID Serine/Threonine Kinase function in cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)FA,Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2019,61(9):1000-1014(通讯作者)
- 毕云飞,赵勤政,闫文凯,李梦雪,刘昱希,程春燕,张璐,虞夏清,李季,钱春桃,吴玉峰,陈劲枫,娄群峰.Flexible chromosome painting based on multiplex PCR of oligonucleotides and its application for comparative chromosome analyses in Cucumis,PLANT JOURNAL,2019,:-(通讯作者)
- 杨树琼,程春燕,秦晓东,虞夏清,娄群峰,李季,钱春桃,陈劲枫.Comparative Cyto-molecular Analysis of Repetitive DNA Provides Insights into the Differential Genome Structure and Evolution of Five Cucumis Species,HORTICULTURAL PLANT JOURNAL,2019,5(5):192-204(参与作者)