长期从事污染环境的生物修复、农作物污染控制、植物对重金属的耐性机制等方面的研究工作。近年来在国内外学术刊物如Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment 等发表论文40余篇;参编教材3部。
香港浸会大学理学院生物系博士毕业 生物学 With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
南京农业大学农学院植物学专业硕士毕业 植物学 With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates Master's Degree in Science
山东农业大学林学院蚕学专业本科毕业 蚕学 University graduated Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
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Zou Yiping,Liu Yaping,Li Wei,Cao Qingqing,Wang Xue,Hu Zhubing,Cai Qingsheng,Lou Laiqing.Ethylene is the key phytohormone to enhance arsenic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2024,281:-(Correspondence Author)
Hu Zhaoyang, Zou Yiping, Wang Yulong, Lou Laiqing, Cai Qingsheng.Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations increase the risk of Cd exposure in rice.,Environmental science and pollution research international,2023,:-(Participating authors)
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肖霄,方志刚,纪燕玲,娄来清,常明,蔡庆生.外源ABA对镉胁迫下柳枝稷生理特性及镉吸收的影响,草地学报,2022,30(2022年01期):118-124(Participating authors)