- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 刘向东,张元臣.蚜虫共生菌感染格局、动态及在宿主种群分化中的作用,南京农业大学学报,2018,41(2):209-217(第一及通讯作者)
- 李永腾,刘向东,郭慧芳.Variations in Endosymbiont Infection Between Buprofezin-Resistant and Susceptible Strains of Laodelphax striatellus (Fall,n),CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY,2018,75(6):709-715(通讯作者)
- Can the Young Larvae of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Tolerate the Heat Stress in Summer?,ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY,2017,46(1):125-130(通讯作者)
- 李永腾,张月亮,刘向东,郭慧芳.Does Resistance to Buprofezin Improve Heat and Cold Tolerance of Laodelphax striatellus (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)?,ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY,2017,46(4):988-994(通讯作者)
- Bodlah Muhammad Adnan,顾玲玲,谭晔,刘向东.Behavioural adaptation of the rice leaf folder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis to short-term heat stress,JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY,2017,100(0):28-34(通讯作者)
- 张元臣,刘向东.棉蚜溶菌酶基因AgLYS的克隆与表达分析,昆虫学报,2017,60(2):127-135(通讯作者)
- 张元臣,雷海霞,苗宁辉,刘向东.Comparative Transcriptional Analysis of the Host-Specialized Aphids Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae),JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY,2017,110(2):702-710(通讯作者)
- 刘向东,徐婷婷,雷海霞.Refuges and host shift pathways of host-specialized aphids Aphis gossypii,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,7(0):-(第一及通讯作者)
- Muhammad Adnan Bodlah,朱阿秀,刘向东.Host choice, settling and folding leaf behaviors of the larval rice leaf folder under heat stress,BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH,2016,106(6):809-817(通讯作者)
- 刘向东,孙启花.Early assessment of the yield loss in rice due to the brown planthopper using a hyperspectral remote sensing method,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT,2016,62(3):205-213(第一及通讯作者)