- 所在单位:植物保护学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- Mao Meng-Sha, He Yi-Nan, Liu Xiang-Dong.Threshold-dependent gene regulation and partial assortative mating determine wing dimorphism of an insect,OIKOS,2023,:-(通讯作者)
- Guo Pan-Long,Guo Zi-Qian,Liu Xiang-Dong.Cuticular protein genes involve heat acclimation of insect larvae under global warming,INSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2022,31(4):519-532(通讯作者)
- 李明珠,刘向东.稻纵卷叶螟幼虫驯化产生的热适应能力的继代效应,昆虫学报,2022,65(2022年10期):1-10(通讯作者)
- Jiang Hanqi,Ding Yu,Zhao Dongxiao,Liu Xiangdong,Guo Huifang.First discovery of Arsenophonus infection in spiders, predators of insect pests,JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY,2022,146(6):786-790(共同通讯作者)
- Guo Huifang, Qu Yufeng, Sun Shuai, Zhang Kaili, Zhang Zhichun, Zhao Dongxiao, Niu Hongtao, Liu Xiangdong, Fang Jichao, Hoffmann Ary A..Antiviral effect of the cotton plant-derived gossypol against tomato yellow leaf curl virus,JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE,2022,(参与作者)
- Ma Guiling, Chen Yanting, Liu Xiangdong, Gao Yao, Deavila Jeanene M., Zhu Mei-Jun, Du Min.Vitamin a supplementation during pregnancy in shaping child growth outcomes: A meta-analysis,CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION,2022,(参与作者)
- Zhang Chao, Mao Meng-Sha, Liu Xiang-Dong.Relative contribution of genetic and environmental factors to determination of wing morphs of the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens,INSECT SCIENCE,2022,(通讯作者)
- Chang Chun-Yan,Sun Xiao-Wan,Tian Pan-Pan,Miao Ning-Hui,Zhang Yu-Lin,Liu Xiang-Dong.Plant secondary metabolite and temperature determine the prevalence of Arsenophonus endosymbionts in aphid populations,ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,2022,24(8):3764-3776(通讯作者)
- 权澎琪,李明珠,王高蓉,顾玲玲,刘向东.Comparative transcriptome analysis of the rice leaf folder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) to heat acclimation,BMC GENOMICS,2020,21(1):-(通讯作者)
- 马琳,刘向东.Adaptive changes in morph and preference induced by novel host plants mediate host specialization of the cotton-melon aphid,ARTHROPOD-PLANT INTERACTIONS,2020,14(4):453-462(通讯作者)