- 所在单位:园艺学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:农学博士学位
- 刘同坤,吴鹏,王倩,王文丽,张昌伟,孙菲菲,刘照坤,李英,侯喜林.Comparative transcriptome discovery and elucidation of the mechanism of long noncoding RNAs during vernalization in Brassica rapa,PLANT GROWTH REGULATION,2018,85(1):27-39(第一作者)
- 李林,陈丽,吴小婷,邵帅旭,李英,侯喜林,刘同坤.不结球白菜BrCDF1的功能研究,南京农业大学学报,2018,41(5):832-838(通讯作者)
- 刘高峰,夏虞东,刘同坤,戴邵军,侯喜林.The DNA Methylome and Association of Differentially Methylated Regions with Differential Gene Expression during Heat Stress in Brassica rapa,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2018,19(5):-(参与作者)
- Ascorbic Acid Alleviates Toxicity Induced by Excess Copper in Brassica campestris Ssp Chinensis Makino,COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS,2017,48(6):656-664(参与作者)
- 段伟科,张慧君,张蓓,吴小婷,邵帅旭,李英,侯喜林,刘同坤.Role of vernalization-mediated demethylation in the floral transition of Brassica rapa,PLANTA,2017,245(1):227-233(通讯作者)
- 王文丽,吴鹏,刘同坤,任海波,李英,侯喜林.Genome-wide Analysis and Expression Divergence of the Trihelix family in Brassica Rapa: Insight into the Evolutionary Patterns in Plants,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,7:-(参与作者)
- 刘同坤,李英,段伟科,黄菲艺,侯喜林.Cold acclimation alters DNA methylation patterns and confers tolerance to heat and increases growth rate in Brassica rapa,JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2017,68(5):1213-1224(第一作者)
- 吴小婷,邵帅旭,李英,张昌伟,侯喜林,沈振国,刘同坤.不结球白菜BrCDF1的克隆和蛋白亚细胞定位及其与BrFKF1蛋白的互作验证,南京农业大学学报,2017,40(5):812-819(通讯作者)
- 张蓓,刘同坤,黄菲艺,邵帅旭,吴小婷,侯喜林.不结球白菜开花基因BcFT的亚细胞定位及其互作蛋白的筛选,南京农业大学学报,2017,40(4):592-600(参与作者)
- 王成,崔红米,黄天虹,刘同坤,侯喜林,李英.Identification and Validation of Reference Genes for RT-qPCR Analysis in Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage Flowers,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2016,7:-(参与作者)